Enotria: The Last Song – Launch Trailer

Maskless Ones, the stage is set… The Italian folklore action-packed ”Enotria: The Last Song” is available now on Steam / PlayStation 5 / Epic Games Store.

Challenge the Authors of a twisted eternal play upon this souls-like sunlit stage and Become The Mask Of Change. Can you rewrite the eternal script?

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#enotriathelastsong #rpg #soulslike #jyammagames #steamgame #console #italianfolklore


  1. Just PS5 and PC? And then PlayStation fanbois crying because "nOt tO eXcLuSivEs fOr XbOx"

    Damn trash.

  2. What a fuck*n bugged game. Brilliant work boys! I cant finish my game, because i missed fuck*n ladder. GOOOOOOOD JOB! 🙂

  3. Why the fuck does the video have around 2m views but only 1.9k likes? The amount of comments also seem less. Are these botted views?

  4. Provai la demo poco dopo l'aggiornamento. Comprato all'istante. L'atmosfera, le musiche, i paesaggi… Certo, ovvio che ci sia qualche bug e qualche cosa che si può migliorare, ma per me é un titolo che, credo, mi rimarrà per sempre nel cuore. Spero davvero in un altro lavoro simile.

    Ps: a me non piacciono i souls like. Dopo la vostra demo, per attendere il gioco completo, ho preso Elden Ring. Ora che ho Enotria, tutto il resto é passato in secondo piano.

    Pps: GRAZIE❤

  5. The game is clunky and have the hit boxes of DS2, i bought it and regret it though it looked cool but i was wrong the sun blind you lol, its not all about looks. I wish i can get a refund but playstation says no coz i played and downloaded the game for 1 hour

  6. this game is really bad. it looks nice and has nice soundtrack but that's all. game is forcing you to parry everything but parry is garbage and takes ages to stun enemies with parry. dodge is pure steaming pile of turd and it doesn't work as it supposed to. normal weapons do almost no damage and colossal weapons struggle to even finish attack animations not mention hit enemy. every single enemy can stagger you with normal attack but you cannot do the same 9/10 times. physical dmg is bs and game is forsing you to make elemental dmg builds but then you have bosses that are resistant to elemental dmg and what then? people who did this game don't know how to balance combat and i'm 100% they hate big bonk users. don't buy it

  7. I can’t even play the game. It keeps bugging out. Haven’t even been able to start the tutorial. It shows pauses on a blank screen every single time I restart and come back. Haven’t played one second of this game yet. So pissed off.

  8. Loved the demo already picked this up.

    The art direction is phenomenal and solid gameplay, really want to see the studio succeed.

  9. Dammit, this boss gave me hard time last night… 2hrs of gettin beaten… All that on my LIVE stream section on my channel. 🙂

  10. Davvero un bel trailer, spero che il gioco andrà bene in termini di vendita, visto che se lo merita.
    Alcune critiche che ho visto, sono davvero frutto di un settore italiano (e non solo) sempre più marcio.

  11. This is borderline plagiarism of Elden Ring. What the hell is wrong with you?

  12. This trailer appeared to me as an ad on YouTube. I never watch an ad in its entirety, but this ad was really good. My favorite ad! This game has a Souls-like feel to it, I really want to see it…

  13. The first boss wasnt in the boss room and progression has been blocked. Really hoping for a patch soon…

  14. Jogo estilo Dark souls. Díficil porem , viciante. Só as esquivas e mov set do personagem deixou a desejar. Só joguei a Demo espero q melhorem

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