Duet Night Abyss Trailer | TGS 2024

Learn more about Duet Night Abyss in this latest trailer for Tokyo Game Show 2024.

The helix of fate spirals onward.
Aligning with new companions, Phoxhunters venture anew into the continent of Atlasia.


  1. The amount of people in the comments here that don't know about warframe means their brains are officially rotten due to genshin

  2. Monster hunter katana
    Genshin Chong Yun
    And trailers before that were of Warframe animations
    They be using all the animations

  3. Cool. Now show us what the actual gameplay is like instead of this pre-rendered cinematic shit.

  4. Same old same old. Over and over and over again.
    We went from Hollywood without ideas to Japan without ideas.

  5. I remember seeing a trailer for this game a year or so ago. Glad to see they were still developing it.

  6. I don't mind all the Genshin Impact type of games. I just wish they were on Nintendo Switch.

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