Duet Night Abyss TGS 2024 Special Program Trailer


The helix of fate spirals onward.
Aligning with new companions, Phoxhunters venture anew into the continent of Atlasia.

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  1. Gameplay and design looks great, I just hope it's not one of those gacha harem cringe fests, saw a male character so there's hope.

  2. if the game has the same business model like warframe where I can get all the stuff by farming for reasonable amount of time and trading, sure I'll give it a try. If it's just another mobile gacha game, I will just skip completely as there is really no reason why I should spend precious my time and money on another anime gacha game while there are already too many choices out there. Also, there is warframe that has higher production quality and content, so why don't I just play warframe.

  3. This only looks good but I bet it will be ass with shit monetization.

  4. im disappointed that the actual game doesnt look like anywhere near the early trailer that looks like warframe

  5. 1/2 * 1 it's for the phone when it's good graphic like that I won't be able to play it because phone doesn't support it because the good graphic

  6. Awesome and great 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👍👍👍👍🔥🔥🔥🔥✨✨✨✨

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