DRAGON QUEST III HD-2D Remake – Release Date Trailer – Nintendo Switch

HD-2D remakes draws near! Command?

Travel through vast worlds and discover where the legendary DRAGON QUEST franchise began with the stunning DRAGON QUEST III HD-2D remake and the newly announced DRAGON QUEST I & II HD-2D Remake!!

DRAGON QUEST III HD-2D Remake comes to Nintendo Switch on November 14, 2024.
DRAGON QUEST I & II HD-2D Remake comes to Nintendo Switch in 2025.

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  1. Dragon Quest 3 was one of the best JRPGs ever made, imo. I've played it many times.

  2. Is this thenonly game like this? Or are there more games like it? This classic/modern look is amazing

  3. Did they remove the possibility to play as female hero/main chaeacter?

    Or why are the folks in some older DQ3 HD2D trailers' comments whining about female hero not available?

  4. Oh man I love this new HD-2D Era, I am playing Star Ocean: The Second Story R and is so beautiful and fun! I know will love DQ HD-2D as well.

  5. Body Type A/B, sure, whatever, I'll let that pass even if I disagree, but defacing Akira Toriyama's art? That's a grave sin.

  6. This game refuses to acknowledge basic human anatomy. It does not recognise 'men' or 'woman'. Only BODY TYPE A and BODY TYPE B lmao

  7. Dragon Quest V remake with Dragon Quest Your story graphics and breath of the wild gameplay must be amazing ❤

  8. They got sweet baby inc working on this remake. The same people who bash and hate Akira Toriyama. DONT SUPPORT THEM!!

  9. Just out of curiosity I wondered how the latest comments on here were doing. Sad they're still crying over the body type thing, like that actually matters.

  10. Holy crap. Unrelated, but I can see so much potential for Pokémon bw3 in this style

  11. I saw this game in a magazine when I was a kid, never actually played it, and just this week I was thinking, after FF7 Rebirth+Crisis Core Reunion, maybe I'd like a turn-based game with a more blank story/character slate to see if I can relax with something a bit different. Then I go search it and find out, hey, this is coming end of this year. A surprise to be sure but a welcome one.

  12. Me han hecho muy feliz… Este junto al remake de los dos primeros son prioridad absoluta para mi ahora mismo… Gracias ,D

  13. I still haven’t beaten Dragon Quest 11 but they’re doing HD 2D remakes of the first games?

  14. I'm very interested in trying out the Dragon Quest series! I know everyone says to start with XI, but its long run time plus filler is scaring me off a bit. I've heard the first 3 DQ games are very good and I love the visual style of the HD2D art style. Also, the fact that they aren't super long games either is really nice. Could someone let me know if diving into III is a good way to get into the series? Thanks

  15. The sudden influx of people mad over type A and type B is insane. Like, A and B doesn't change the blatantly obvious gender of the character design on display, plus this has been done with numerous Japanese games without any involvement from whatever Sweet Baby are.
    All people are doing is trying to make a fuss out of the most meaningless change imaginable, one that didn't need to be made but also has zero bearing on the quality of the experience. This game's still likely going to do very well because… It's Dragon Quest, a remake of a beloved entry! And people are going to appreciate the visuals and monster designs and narrative and music more than they'll ultimately care about a choice of words in the character naming screen.

  16. Squeenix is a joke of a company. There's no hope for them. They've been infiltrated by western ideologues.

  17. Probably not going to purchase this because of the woke censorship Square is all about. They not only removed the "puff-puff" jokes in the game, but they also removed the gender options, so instead of "male or female" you have to pick "type 1 or type 2"!
    lol that's so lame. Oh well, I'm voting with my wallet from now on. Not purchasing any games that activists have put their propaganda in.

  18. im tired of all those remakes and it looks awful. better buy the original for 15 dollars. why dont they make a good new game instead. selling this for the price of a AAA new game is awful too.

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