1. I just hope the some of the demons retain they evil look instead of this elemental style

  2. This trailer actually looks decent. But anyway, hoping for the best, preparing for the worst. Hopefully Bioware will make a comeback with this one

  3. At least this trailer had much less of the awful Marvel-esque dialogue and playful action vibe. I still hate the Pixar/Fortnite-style character animation and design.

  4. Yeah yeah, this is an RPG and all we've seen are the characters. Im betting the progression and skill systems are absolutely garbage.

  5. Still not in love with the art direction, but this is tone is remarkably better. I have some cautious optimism, but still gonna have to see what the reviews say

  6. I see baldurs gate will be getting another resurgence in players when this fails.

  7. Noice! And I love Mythall/Morrigan! And the dread wolves attacking the dragon at the end.
    And those two dragons at the end ..maybe the last 2 arch demons?
    I’m stoked

  8. I really hope an incredible game comes out, not only because I'm a fan of the Dragon Age series but also a fan of BioWare, knowing EA it's quite possible that they'll close one of the most legendary studios in history for another flop.

  9. This looks so bad … and its 10 years later. Let me guess, 70 euro PS5 and forced WOKE. No thanks!

  10. 2:20 best executing animation ever, It's a disappointment. And what kind of bad taste is morrigan wearing, even the Flemet from part 2 was cuter and more stylish.

  11. Sony, please go back to Japan and be a GAMING company, not a woke political tool!

  12. I hate most of what im seeing. I would be hyped for the dwarfs with magic but the monster design make me think its just a cheap way to make harding carachter more interesting gameplay wise

  13. Zero interest. If Im being honest I have had zero interest in most western games as of late……

  14. My pants…

    Seriously, this looks even better than I expected. This looks like it'll probably be a Day Oner.

  15. Boa tarde. Comprei o jogo ODDWORLD: ABE'S EXODUS versão PS5 e nao consigo progredir. O jogo está travando em uma parte do jogo e não volta a funcionar. Ja restaurei licenças e refiz o banco de dados de acordo com a orientação do suporte a jogos. Por favor verifiquem essa situação. Quero platinar esse jogo. Agradeço.

  16. As someone who bought dragon age origins on release and has sunk countless hours into it and the subsequent dlc's… What have you done to this franchise? 😢

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