Diablo IV | Vessel of Hatred | Spiritborn Class Trailer

Unleash the apex predator of the jungle.

Call upon the immense power of the Spirit Guardians to strike down foes with visceral ferocity.

Harness unique acrobatic movement, versatile playstyles, and the strength of your Spirit Guardians to lay waste to darkness across Sanctuary as #DiabloIV’s new class.

The Spiritborn joins the fray in #VesselOfHatred on October 8th.

Pre-purchase the Ultimate Edition today:

Welcome the newest class to the Diablo franchise with a Spiritborn tee:


  1. after seeing the abit of the main story i can see why no paladin or holy warrior types are around for now…..

  2. Good thing only 2 Diablo games exist, imagine firing your computer and seeing this.
    Oh, wait there were more, oh no…

  3. I feel like this is just a different variation of a druid archetype. Instead of the type of druid focusing on becoming the creatures and casting the elements, you utilize the elements with your attacks, and instead summon the creatures of nature who do cooler skills. Like a druid beastmaster hybrid. I don't know man.

  4. We need more classes. Dlc for just 1 new class you have got to be kidding me.

  5. Soft and weak is the new tough and strong, just like "lovely to be there" is the new hideous hair raising horror πŸ‘ΏπŸ˜ˆπŸ€‘πŸ€‘

  6. Very cool indeed but please, please, please add a Knight class. The Crusader in III was awesome, especially his armour but I desperately want to play something similar in IV

  7. Only one class with the dlc. Really?! Come on Diablo immortals have better class the d4 come on we need more different class blizzard!!!

  8. They literally gave us Druids that channel animal powers and manipulate nature.

    Now they give us spiritborns who channel animal powers and manipulate nature.


  9. seem to use the guild wars ritualist mechanic of spirit acting has some kind of turrets, dunno why it had to be animal themed again.

  10. What is it with blizzard we asked for a paladin witch doctor or monk why do they never listen to there fan base? Like seriously??

  11. What game it is? It cant be D4, looks like aztec indie game. wtf. Why is that looks so cheap? Overwatch animations omg…

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