Dead by Daylight | Castlevania | Launch Trailer

A dark power stirs in the shadows.

Dead by Daylight: Castlevania includes a new Killer – Dracula, The Dark Lord – and a new Survivor – Trevor Belmont.

The Castlevania Collection also features new Outfits for Dracula and Trevor Belmont:
Trevor Belmont – Leon Belmont’s Uniform – Very Rare
Trevor Belmont – Simon Belmont’s Gear – Very Rare
Trevor Belmont – Alucard – Legendary
Dracula – Chronicle of Terror – Very Rare
Dracula – Darkness Reigns – Very Rare

Dead by Daylight is a multiplayer action/horror game where one player takes on the role of a brutal Killer and the other four play as Survivors. As a Killer your goal is to sacrifice as many Survivors as possible. As Survivors your goal is to work together to evade, escape, and most importantly – stay alive.      


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  1. Gotta make the "men" in the game look as feminine as possible 😂😂😂

  2. После обновы с дракулой, и полным переходом на новый движок игра стала лагать, появилось еще больше багов,и после нового античита-слетели фильтра nvidia,та что там они даже не работают теперь,на заметку комп у меня не слабый и игровой,но с этой обновой игра лагает даже на низких в меню,на Unreal Engine 4 было все прекрасно в плане оптимизации.Так и не понятно зачем вы перенесли игру на Unreal Engine 5?

    After the update with Dracula, and the complete transition to the new engine, the game began to drag on, even more bugs appeared, and after the new anti-cheat crashes of the nvidia filter, the fact that they don't even work there now, for the record, my computer is not weak and gaming, but with this new game it drags even down in the menu, in Unreal Engine 4 everything was fine in terms of optimization. It is still not clear why you transferred the game to Unreal Engine 5?

  3. A very failed game, many problems with the servers, the worst game among the games 💩🤮

  4. there's only few killers license we need :

    1.Jason Voorhees (Friday the 13th)
    3.Springtrap (Five nights at freddy)
    5.Chris Walker (Outlast)
    6.Spawn (Hellspawn Comic book)
    7.Bendy (Bendy and the ink machine)
    8.Venom/Carnage (Marvel)
    9.Pennywhise (IT)
    10.Big Daddy (Bioshock)

  5. oh cool we get to play as alucard an- looks at the price of skin and its 15 dollars i dont need it… i dont need it..i definitely dont need it

  6. Two things I saw during the trailer one Dracula's ability is a mix of nurse and the plague. And two the ability of our survivors which looks to be hector/rictor Belmont and alucard the Belmont's will have protection in the lockers and alucard can fight back I assume with a blind ability 😅 mostly theories

  7. Man I don't even play Castlevania and I feel like this disrespects the characters

  8. Ah yes, more characters known for fighting back being put into the game where that's literally lore-wise an impossibility.

    I'm going back to playing Legacy of Darkness, at least the costumes in that game aren't $20 apiece.

  9. Hold up!!! You got Leon Trevor and Simon Belmont and Alucard (EVERLASTING) running away from Dracula instead of fighting him. You mean to tell me that I'm this universe of The Belmont Clan and Dracula's son are bitch made??? So glad I don't have this game. Those douche bags creators are not running my childhood. Fuck that.

  10. i cant even believe your foolish development team removed the perfect, Hilarious Nicholas cage Dracula from Renfield for this garbage. castlevania characters arent fitting for this game at all, its as dumb as putting in Luigi from super mario "because of luigis mansion" being horror themed. Your team even removed the videos. Dude i was sober as soap, and laughed for 10 minutes about all the awesome stuff Nicholas cage as renfields dracula was saying. Im offended. Thats one more thing that makes my life trash and this timeline garbage.

  11. So im kinda oldschool but i remember the last trever belmont was lamenting -i cant remember the name ofit but back from ps2 ?is this the same series..

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