Dancing for the Devil: The 7M TikTok Cult | Official Trailer | Netflix

A group of prominent TikTok dancers are trapped in a cult masquerading as a management company called 7M. Among them is Miranda Wilking, whose family is desperately trying to get their daughter out. As other dancers and former members escape and work to rebuild their lives, it isn’t until they come together to try and put a stop to the cycle of their abuser that the real healing begins. This three-part documentary series from director Derek Doneen, Dirty Robber and WV Alternative exposes the diabolical tactics used by cult-like organizations to exert control over people as well as the lengths families will go to keep their loved ones safe.

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  1. Smh at authorities …. I hope the people in the cult watch this ( thank you Netflix) and realize what they are doing to themselves and their loved ones. Only a matter of time .

    That cult leader will meet god one day and gods gonna be like : Really? You think you’re on the list after you just used me like that ? Sorry bro your reservation is in the basement they been waiting for you down there . Here take the express elevator . Have a nice eternity. lol

  2. It's been exposed that celebs (social media influencers etc)slaves are fake personas not real people professional liars and their lives are scripted debased demonic lonely and they live by no rules and multiple government lookalikes and secret inverted people can play the same fake persona at the same time or switched out at different times and given another fake persona to play. They can be another ethnicity or nationality than the one they portray themselves to be and have an expiration date. They are brand names only under MK Ultra undetectable mind control monarch butterfly programming and hypnosis and trained mimics suffering from alters triggered by handlers to perform whatever tasks their owners the satanic elite want them to do to promote their satanic agendas and narratives. They are not rich but given a black card with an allowance of no more than a million dollars and they don't own anything nor write their own material but given material written in witch language to send out secret messages in double or triple entendres. The original prototypes (children) are chosen from satanic cult family bloodlines and related to each other and to the Royal family and most are discarded and replaced by the age of 18. Other willing participants or forced into it are chosen from different sectors of society such as poor areas prisons military human trafficking schools religious groups etc. Relationships are arranged not love matches and children are produced at the satanic elite's breeding facilities by means of breeders surrogates IVF twinning adoption and stolen children and used as props to make up the fake families especially for secret inverted people/couples. The satanic elite hides the truth in plain sight in jokes TV shows award shows docs interviews MSM social media books magazines pics song lyrics music videos etc.
    (Psalm 26:4; 2 Tim 3:1,13)

  3. Was etwas zu kurz kommt, ist, dass die Tänzer dort arbeiten, üben und auf dem gleichen Level sind, sonst würde die Sekte nicht so eine Macht allein ausüben können….😢😢😢😢😢

  4. Who cares. With real problems facing our country like human trafficking, people care about some silly dancers. Look at her, lights are on but nobody's home! 😂

  5. So basically Robert shinbone has people make content, probably has comment farms overseas, snatches insta and tiktok advertising and that's basically it in a mutual.

  6. You can clearly see how much the family is in so much pain, but are trying to be strong for their daughter. Sadly, this girl has been brainwashed and thinks what she's doing is the way to salvation (which we all know is the wrong path to salvation)

    If that man is really the man of God, he will not be greedy for money.

  7. The legal system has to work out the bugs, but it should be LIFE IN PRISON for these false prophets that take people away from their families.

  8. i take "specific" info regarding "specific" FOLK:

    with LESS than a grain of:
    The leaders of this nation & world have displayed much hate, envy, and deceit for those who were not MADE real:

    But were BORN it…

    Self-Proclaimed Pastor, you peeple say!?

    You like how over 93% of the folk who was sainted the last century or:

    aren't really "Saints," like your mouths were fixed to say such…! 🤔

  9. Typical. ALL RELIGIONS are big business cults…..controlled by a few and the sheep follow

  10. Please consider God, Source, All That Is, or whatever you want to call it, is ONLY COMPLETE LOVE! There is no judgement, no hell, no persecution. If adults feel a religion or spiritual belief is making you feel less than, not worthy, or preventing you from doing what you want to do, it is not your truth and who you are. Don’t believe it! God is only about UNCONDITIONAL LOVE and FREE WILL. It’s not about a single person or persons. There really is no sin…but rather experiences that offer opportunity for learning and growth. And even if the free will choices of others is painful to us, it is not our business to judge, but only to try to understand this is their chosen life journey, this is happening FOR THEM AND NOT TO THEM, and to be there when and if they decide to take a different path. You can offer advice, but in some cases, they will not be ready to listen. You can’t become consumed with their choices. They are adults and they have to be responsible for their choices. Please don’t carry that burden for your loved ones. That’s the only way we can assist. Sending much love and light to all those affected by these types of experiences! ❤

  11. This family is so annoying. I cant' stand them. A couple of rich spoiled narcissist daughters who want to jump and flop around for a living while addicted to BBC. The parents got what they raised. I don't feel sorry for any of them.

  12. I watched the docuseries, DANCING WITH THE DEVIL by Netflix.

    I had no idea what is was about before watching, the title interested me. I thought it was about people getting involved with the occult and selling their soul to Satan and now their caught in a demon dance with the 😈 devil controlling and ruining their life and cant escape.

    I watched the docuseries and wasnt that far off the mark because its about Robert Shinn, Pastor, talent rep, who is accused of being a cult leader, a rapist, an abuser, a fraudist, a thief, forced laborer, and a brain washer. And founding a cult church. And a talent agency.

    All the credible, tangible, verifiable evidence shown and told was primarily generated by Shinn himself in the form of taped videos of him. And contracts and Non Disclosure Agreemen5s signed by him and the dancers, employees, and church members. Thats hard to defend against and now refute by Shinn, when its directly from him.

    So many ex dancers, employees, and church members left over the years who many never knew each other, never met prior, and later got together against Shinn after they were victimized to share the same and similar stories, and pursue justice.

    The energy, cost, manpower, labor, and time it takes to get the green light and then do a docuseries from concept to completion is exhausting. And someone as big as Netflix wont make that committment and investment if its not a credible, tangible, verifiable, worthy project that will also interest enough viewers to guarantee a monetary return. Also, they run the risk of being sued.

    The docuseries is fair, impartial, neutral, and victim centered. Without Shinn and his posse participating, that was the right direction to go.

    I also watched the video of a Netflix team member who is being sued by Shinn who stated Netflix gave all sides the opportunity to participate and Shinn, his family, and dancers, employees, and church members turned them down. Their now stating otherwise, leading the public to believe they wrre never contacted by anyone and just found out about the docuseries after it was released. Theres too much proof from Netflix that shows and tells otherwise.

    And now Shinn and posse want Netflix to feature them in their own docuseries, due to all the negative backlash, while suing Netflix of Defamation of Character. Its a Conflict of Interest for Netflix to now do a docuseries of Shinn and posse. And they had their chance.

    The docuseries focuses on the Wilkins family, who daughters, Miranda, and Melanie are victims of Shinn.

    In the end, Melanie left the church, dance group, and home she rented from Shinn. And her sister, Miranda stayed.

    Everyone making allegations against Shinn has stayed united, and to date, Shinn nor his team provided any credible, tangible, verifiable proof to show they lied, comitted perjury, and are trying to blackmail and extort Shinn.

    Thete are more pending lawsuots against Shinn. And Shinn has countersued, bringing in others.

    These victims needed to lawyer up with a high powrred lawyer who had an investigative tram that cpuld and would have gotten so much more evidence against Shinn, his family, and accopmices, since hes been accused and sued for years.

    The mistake they made was relying on law enforcement, the courts, and justice system , who did lutrle to nothing. Maybe that will change for the victims now that heat from the docuseries is also on them.

    My fair, impartial, neutral opinion is that the victims all need individual therapy, and group therapy, with a specialized experts in psychology, psychiatry, and theology working with them, regarding, abuse, brain washing, cults, religion, belief systems, spirituality, exploitation, rape, fraud, forced labor, etc. And, they are called as expert witnesses in their legal cases.

    And a thorough investigation of Shinn and accomplices by the FBI, and IRS going back years.

    And everyone remaining with Shinn undergo independent, one on one therapy, by a fair, impartial, neutral expert in psychology, psychiayry, and theology to render an expert opinion on what damage was done to them by Shinn and accomices. And the contracts and NDA examined for legitimacy.

    A judge can order this since both parties ate counter suing and its warranted.

    My grandfather founded a Christian church, we had bible study. Whereever I lived I attended nondenominational, Christian churches, that taught the bible. I also attended catholuc masses. And Jewish synagogues. And Buddhist temples. And studied, Magic, Witchcraft, and Religion in college. And private classes in alternative belief systems and pseudo science.

    Im very intuitive, have good, bad, frightening, and traumatizing, supernatural experiences, and premonitions that come true since age 2, and remember them all. Im considered psychic, but I dont pursue it, because I know it included and involves good and evil, supernatural experiences, and I dont have the expertise to fully protect myself against evil.

    Im still a Christian and believe in Jesus. I'm trying to find out who God really is versis what I was taught, believed, experience, witnessed, and now believe. Thats as far as I can go with God for now.

    And Im still addressing and trying to resolve the way the natural and supernatural experiences have continued to adversely affect my life.
    Im very selective about the experts I reach out to for help and thoroughly vet them, prior.

    Based on all of this, Shinn is not a real Christian, hes a fake Christian, who has his own manmade belief system, religion, and church. He appears to be a clasdic cult leader and his church a cult. I know Christianity and the bible very well and compated that with everything I saw and heard directly from Shinn who was videotaped, and his recorded documents. I never factored what anyone else said and showed, about Shinn, to be fair, impartial, and neutral, giving Shinn total Due Process. Thetes more than enough proof out there directly from Shinn that he cant deny, dispute, refute, and defend against, after.

    I have a degree in Child Development and in college also studied, psychology, parapsychology, sociology, and theorists. Were,all a product of heredity and environment, the Root Cause to where to begin.

    Some victims had a l❤ving family unit staying together, but no religion and spiritualiry in tbeir life. Other victims had neither. And other victims never knew the difference between religion and spirituality. The common ground is tbey were all looking for a higher purpose to their life and open to it. That often means religion and spirituality.

    And it makes and keeps you vulnerable, more so in the wrong hands.

    These victims ended up in the wrong hands, Shinns, and some realized it and left. Others havent and migjt never discover this on their own.

    And its possible Shinn had a different relationship with each one and kept it seperate, so they each see him differently.

    The more you attact Shinn, the more these victims will defend him. Thats why the experts I described need to be called in by the court to address and help resolve this.

    If the prosecution, law enforcement, court, Judge, and jury all follow the evidence and law, then Shinn should be investigated, arrested, go to trial, found guilty, in a criminal court and sentenced. And then a civil lawsuit should commence with Shinn being found guilty, and having to pay famages and restitution to all victims.

    His license as a pastor needs permanently removed with no chance he can be a padtor again.

    So should his accomplices, have the same fate.

    Pray that all victims realize they are victims, get therapy, find justice, and closure.

    Stop seoerating victims who left Shinn vs victims who stayed, their all victims. And dont try this case in the court of public opinion, render your personal verdict and act on it.

  13. She chooses to leave her family cos she ego and just think for her happiness.. if I was her parents will not open my house door for her anymore and her stupidd husband…

  14. Only stupid and lost people who follow this and leave their parents and family. Many people out there miss their parents and wish have a happy family.. Mirandah not brain wash but she’s stupidd 😂 If I was the family will never ever open my door house for her anymore… for my own happiness and my parent.. period

  15. Mercy on blindness. Only God himself can help and lead Miranda to TRUTH. Blindness requires a miracle. Enough people praying and LIGHT HAS A CHANCE TO COME IN.

    WE LOVE MIRANDA AND BDASH. We are praying for truth to be front and center.❤ RJ

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