1. Kids. Your PC's energy costs are several times the cost of a PSN subscription.

    Oof. 😂😂😂

  2. The only kind of pc i want is an XP because the only worthwhile games anymore are older classics. Plus I enjoy owning and playing my physical copies. Most modern PC's don't even have optical drives anymore. And Windows 10 and 11 don't seem to support the majority of older games. And I absolutely refuse to use emulators because I shouldn't have to in order to enjoy my old games.

  3. Why do they call it super sampling I think sub sampling makes more sense as the render base is a lower resolution

  4. Yep. To compete with Steam m, Epic has more localized prices for my country. Therefore i buy mainly there. On consoles, they are all the same

  5. High refresh rates on console? Only way I can play GT7 at 120fps is to downscale to 1440p

  6. You cannot play game at 4K on console. The best you can play is 1440p which it render it at and then upscales it up for 4K which is not 4K and not even to 4K and that why all console game look blurry. Only a 4080 and 4090 will give you 4K and 4070, but that can’t do with the most recent game coming out (so that is very much a 1440p card now too).

  7. Not going to lie I was a heavy console guy until I came to my senses and built my first gaming PC a few years ago and haven’t look back I still like my PS5 but PC opened up my eyes to a whole lot.

  8. Other advantages of pc gaming:
    Free online play
    Usually less expensive overall
    Ability to upgrade your system
    You can do more than just game

  9. Everyone saying you have to pay for online me who's playing on a ps3 slim that runs at 1080p and free online

  10. I don't understand why people are refusing to see the point of consoles. They're plug n play. They do best for living room setups without a mouse and keyboard and you have to do lots of tinkering with PCs. If you're going PC, go gaming laptop. With how they perform today, there is absolutely no reason to buy a desktop unless you're using expansion bays. Gaming laptops can be hooked to the living room or the desk without turning it off.

    Simplicity: Consoles
    Flexibility: Gaming Laptops
    Sweat Station: Desktop

  11. While i agree with you, the key word you said is…. Deal hunting.. plus not including people not knowing how to build their own stuff can cause a lot of issues down the line. While Pc Gaming is amazing, it does have downsides for those that don’t know what they’re doing.

  12. Not only that, but also the fact that you can build up your steam library and still be able to play those games 10 years later, unlike PlayStation or xbox, I can't grab an old PS2 or Xbox game and expect for it to work on the new consoles, not only that, but the upgrade ability is amazing, I can't go out and buy a 2 or 300 buck part for a console like I can with a PC, and then you have consoles, oh? You want an upgrade? Here, buy this new console!

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