1. I play on xbox and dont pay for anything? I mean i have gamepass but it doesnt mention anything about multiplayer.

  2. Not to mention how controllers are basically a subscription too now due to how often they get stick drift and become unusable

  3. I mean, why do you think consoles are so cheap? Consoles make money from overpriced games and online subscriptions

  4. Yep. Subscription as a Service for hear on out. I wouldn’t be surprised if they start doing that on PC

  5. Not every online console game needs money. Fortnite, Fall Guys, Rocket League etc. are free to play online. I do not even know what game needs to play to be played online

  6. i remember cancelling xbox live and the customer rep kept pressuring to me "change my spending habits" so I could afford more months for their shit service.

  7. After paying for online play in console players have to pay for microtransaction not necessary but for cool cosmetics

  8. Also every game that doesn't have a DRM is free on PC, am I right?
    I know you can pirate on console as well but you need to hack it first

  9. Nintendo did the same thing too. And its god awful slow.

  10. as a pc gamer, ngl this paid online is both stupid and smart, stupid because the player needs to pay for online, smart because the console makers make a loss on the console so for the consumer the console is cheap, and then they make the money back with the subscriptions, while on pc you pay a price where the maker gets a profit instantly, but pc gets cheaper overtime, and console gets expensive over time, so pc is currently the best way to play, especially with all the advantages and freedom pc gives you, I mean you can literally choose everything you do if you don't want to pay for games, pirate, if you want to mod it, do it, if you want to play this game on a higher fps, lower the graphics and much more….


  12. Yeah but Pcs are outdated after a couple years then you have upgrade graphics card to olay the newest and best games. Then eventually you have to buy a totally new one and maybe you get a virus and its no good anymore….no thanks ill stick with consoles.

  13. You will spend more on a console if you get it on the release day to when a new consoles releases than if you bought a 1000$ pc

  14. It's just that Xbox and PlayStation don't make alot of benef on their consoles so what makes their finance dif is the subs

  15. So of you think about it – paid multiplayer may be actually a con LET ME EXPLAIN 😂 Sony and Microsoft loses money on every sold console. They are doing this because they want to attract consumers with much lower prices than buying similar parts by yourself. They may lose money at the start, but 💵 will return to them because of paid subscriptions, licensing games, profit from store etc. I play only single player games on my PlayStation, so every of those FIFA/CoD players literally paid for my console ❤ And if you are wondering, on PlayStation free to play games have free multi, so you can play sh!ts like Fortnite all day long

  16. I want to share my experience when i "Upgraded" from a PS3 to a PS5

    I played a couple of games on PS3, and I was EXTREMELY unaware of the whole "Pay for multiplayer" subscription on next gen playstations,
    some of my games required online play, and better yet, it was free because I did not once experience this awful idea of paying money for something we already paid for.

    I have owned a ps3 super slim ever since 2013 and still play on it, and I always wanted to upgrade to a better console like the PS4 (later the PS5) because of better games, graphics and and video play and most importantly updated games like minecraft bedrock edition so I can play with my friends on that game.
    (Keep in mind that i was still unaware of the pay to play multiplayer subscription)

    After a while, my dreams of getting a ps5 came true, I was finally able to save 500 to play with my friends who played mc on ps5, PC, and mobile. I unboxed the thing and bought a couple of games on there like minecraft, which ran me like 25, i then went on and tried joining my friends world and THAT'S when i found out about all this crap I didn't know, for a long time I took the free multiplayer access on my ps3 for granted and didnt know that you had to pay on LITERAL BETTER CONSOLE like ps5.

    I was so fking infuritated that I stopped playing on ps5 and put it back in the box and re plugged in my ps3, dont get me wrong its a good console and I still happy that games like fortnite dont make you pay which is a bad excuse for making multiplayer cost money cuz they said it's to avoid cheaters whilst multiplayer is free on fortnite and rocket league. I then started rarely playing on PS5 and assumed it was a money grab and a wasted potential console because of the greed in it. I play on PS3 more often now.

    I'm still so infuriated like everytime i go on youtube and see people talk about how "good" this console is I just dislike their video (not cuz its bad but cuz no one talks ever about the literal moneh grab obvious pay to player multiplayer)

    You have no idea how refreshed I am to see someone mention this.

  17. Bro I have a Xbox series X like I have disc games which I BOUGHT at the store. I should be able to get the most out of the game I BOUGHT.

  18. I mean game pass is for ur microsoft account so since i own a pc and xbox i basically have a shitton of games for free, since i get my subscription to ultimate with microsoft rewards

  19. Yeah it’s messed up but it’s also pretty good because on ps 5 I could claim like 3 to 4 games 60,70$ each for how many 6$?

  20. Your paying to use the console servers that’s why games like Fortnite you don’t need it because it uses external servers

  21. I think the best way to prevent cheaters is actual moderators so many games nowadays dont have a single mod and face cointless cheaters even with the best up to date anti cheat, while i see games with active mods facing little to no. Cheaters siege is a great example of it with recent cheaters. And theres absolutely no way theres a single human to moderate the game with all the cheaters. Yet they make us wait and focus on the anti cheat for years just to become inferior in a few months.

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