Braum Gameplay Reveal Trailer | 2XKO

He’s got your back. Braum joins the 2XKO roster.

He’ll be available in our Alpha Lab at-home playtest, August 2024. Register for a chance to play:

Visit us at Evo 2024 to try Braum in the newest demo.

#2XKO #RiotGames

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  1. damn riot, it was just a nice birthday cake, not a 200 people wedding, you are cooking too hard

  2. Braum is looking awesome. But the walking cancel into idol is too poppy from an animation aspect especially with how big that door is. It needs some form of settle even if it's a couple of frames

  3. wtf, but how cool it, that he can hit you while doung a pushup, or the poros, or the surfing. NGL i might main him

  4. I don't think I'll play Braum cause I generally don't like the big bulky characters in 2d fighters, but man oh man I love this design! I love how he genuinely looks threatening in a gameplay perspective, but he's just a silly guy when you look at his animations. It's not over the top where it's cringe either, it's a cute character and a great edition to the bigger (physically) characters of the roster.

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