Borderlands Reviews NUKE Worst Movie of 2024

Borderlands movie reviews were not keen on the video game adaptation of the famous Borderlands franchise. Yet despite many people who went to see it not knowing the game lore, that didn’t help. Borderlands humour didn’t translate into the Borderlands movie and despite Cate Blanchett and Jack Black taking roles. Could anything save the Borderlands Review? Is Borderlands worth watching?

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  1. Borderlands movie reviews are out for the latest video game adaptation at the cinema. Game movies have not often translated to good movies, but is this a problem with the games or the people who make movies? Eli Roth seems to have no idea how to make a Borderlands movie, or a good movie in general. 2024 has had multiple movies released that could have been in contention for the worst movie of 2024. But Borderlands is definitely the one that deserves that title the most. It's amazing you can make a movie so fast paced that never stops, that has so little happen in it. But what did you think of the movie/reviews? Let me know your thoughts down below and as always, thanks for watching 🙂

  2. Oh great, the Borderlands movie gave you chuds more gamergate fuel.
    Y'all do know this thing was in production all the way back in 2015 right?

  3. this happens when u give a bunch of rich asian women a lambo

    the car might be top of the line but they will crash it to bits

    same here, give these latte drinking soy Hollywood DumbF**ks good actors and a good IP and watch them crash it into a wall

  4. Why didn't they just redo BD2 story, tho, i wonder, Why create something weird when something is made all ready to be adapted

  5. I dont think Roth played any of the games. That should have been the casts homework to understand their roles. When you throw big time movie stars in to a movie and write the script for the actors rather than the characters, this is what you get, a watered down video adaptation which is so bad, I fear it will hault other VAs in their tracks.

  6. I’m pretty sure this greasy haired fool doesn’t know what Humor is or what American humor is, but I will agree. It’s definitely not this.

  7. How could they have messed this movie up so completely? The Borderlands games (well, all but one of them) are known for their cartoon violence, zany humour, ridiculously over-powered guns that do really mad things, memorable characters and a surprisngly layered plot. Everything was there – all the ingredients to make a great movie, and we got this??

  8. Borderlands has always had strong, powerful women, but they were written well; Atlas was led by a woman in the first game, and she nearly kills the main characters many times

  9. yeah because only men love action… why are you making it gendered like its 2009?

  10. Yeah no I feel bad for the actors they’ve been doing this for a minute especially since the first iteration of this movie was cancelled cause it was buns so they got another director who made it buns again they got stuck cause of contracts

  11. Stoic works for men 😮 lol dude you say that with a straight face and i watch you chimp out over most banal pop cultural moments every few days. Character isnt gendered

  12. I know that I am a few days behind on this, but you don't understand how hard it hit when you used the analogy of electricity and people not understanding the basic function of it. There are too many people who have just shut off their brains and accepted modernity. It is really hard trying to wake people up from this stupor that they have put themselves in.

  13. They took the iconic 'I'm the conductor of the poop Train' to this hot mess? I actually forgot that this was coming out…yikes

  14. Sorry but Jack black played clap trap perfectly that's claptraps character he doesn't shut up

  15. When are incredibly overpaid and therefore wealthy human beings going to stand up and say "no" I'm not going to work in this shit?

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