Board Game Reviews Ep #278: ROLL PLAYER

This board game was sent to me by Thunderworks Games:

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  1. I remember being underwhelmed when I played this. I felt it was missing an element. Then I played Dice Throne and I was like “yes this is what I wanted Roll Player to be” 😅 so I guess I just had ~expectations~. I think the expansion adds the depth I thought this was missing.

  2. Prozd your nails are SO long. Don't your scratch yourself or your wife?! Lol. If you have a coke habit, you only need a long pinky man!

  3. I really enjoy your reviews! Would love to see you review some asymmetrical games like Ahoy 🙂 I’m having a hard time finding an approachable one

  4. Ok, I watched 3 minutes of this before realising there were no jokes or punch lines coming. Then I found out this was not a skit. My bad.

  5. I recently have started buying board games and this one is on my list. I have Cartographers which is in the same universe as roll player. Cartographers is a lot of fun! A flip and write game

  6. I really enjoy the concept of this game, but after getting it and playing, I had one thought: "Now what"
    I put in all of this work to make a cool hero and now the game is just over. It feels like a very anticlimactic way to end imo

  7. Oh yeah, I love this game, I'm glad you took a look at it. I think it's a really fun concept, and great for someone who just loves rolling dice like me. It really does drill down the essence of gameifying character creation, which is a really fun aspect for me. I'm pretty sure the rules offer the option of picking your ancestry, class, and background options rather than getting them dealt out randomly, depending on player preference, and in doing so you can probably avoid the "ahh I can't fulfill this goal, lame" feels-bad. Or I suppose you could go semi-random, where you shuffle up three to five options and pick from those. That said, I do think the randomness and the slight lack of variety are pretty fair criticisms. I imagine expansions can up the variety, but they also up the complexity, so there's a lot of give and take. It is a dice game where you pick out random dice from a bag, so I think a random streak to the gameplay is gonna be unavoidable but when it sucks, it just sucks. This is definitely one I will be picking up for my physical collection sometime soon!

  8. One of the few games you've reviewed that I have played and own! Although some of the rules you talked about I don't remember being in the game, such as not being able to buy a trait if your alignment cant be moved. Glad you like it for the most part, I think it has pretty good strategy and planning involved.

  9. So I guess there's a sort of sequel where you can take the characters on quests? Makes me wonder if knowing you were going to use them in a game after might affect how you built up the characters in the first part

  10. This one's one of my favourite games…. that I don't own yet. It's got flaws, like you mentioned, but overall it's really enjoyable.

    If anyone wants something similar, definitely look into Merchants of Magick; it's similar in that it has that fantasy theme, and you're rolling dice to build stuff up, but instead of being the adventurer, you're the shop keeper preparing the adventurer before their journey by making different items.

  11. I've been looking into this game. It looks pretty fun, might give it a buy. Thank you for the review!

  12. Love this game! I also backed a companion game that lets you actually use these completed characters in a board game adventure

  13. 6:00 in cleanup, it's not the unselected cards that get coins. All initiative cards that aren't the first or last should have 1 and only 1 coin on them. They don't accumulate like Castles of Mad King Ludwig.

  14. 5:11 You can buy Trait cards even if you can't move your token. The rules say you move the token " if possible." Using Skill cards though definitely requires you to be able to move the token before you can activate it.

  15. I got to help the creator with his Tabletop Simulator version. He did a really good job tuning all the mechanics — particularly what everyone starts with — based on the number of players. With more players, there are fewer turns with a fixed number of dice and items, so the third and fourth players get to start with more money to even things out.

  16. This is one of my family's favorite games! The themeing is on point and the mechanics feel smooth in their execution.
    One note is that there are market cards that can make up a deficit in attributes due to race selection, and the player gets to choose which side of the class card they want to use, allowing them to not run into that problem!

  17. I don’t play dnd and don’t really like fantasy theme anything…and it’s still my favorite game. Bonus that the creator is a dream theater fan

  18. Reminds me of a Dice-oriented Call To Adventure. A fantastic game about creating your character and their legend.

  19. I use this game as a starting point when creating a new character for any in person campaign.

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