Best Fallout Game To Play In 2024 – Which Fallout Game Should You Play? (Fallout TV Show)

So you watched the Fallout TV Show and now want to play fallout, but which Fallout game should you play? Which Fallout is best? In this Fallout review video, I’ll compare all the mainline fallout games, what makes them great or not so great, and if you should play them in 2024. Lets go!

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  1. Just don’t play fallout NV= I’m in the eye of the storm saying this but fallout new vegas is full of bugs , boring gameplay, heavily recycled assets and one of the most stupid, toxic and narcissistic communities in gaming not to mention how everyone says the game is so “good” with their 30+ game changing mods installed

  2. The best way to play fallout 3 and new vegas is with mods if your going to play them on pc. You can add mods to make fallout 3 play like new vegas and fallout 4. Fallout 4 is the least fallout feeling game imo

  3. What i always tell people is if you play for the story, play new Vegas, if you play for the atmosphere, play fallout 3, and if you play for gameplay, play fallout 4

  4. Well since I have a VR headset, and if I get the game, I will be playing Fallout 4 VR. I have watched several gameplay videos, and look interesting. I come from playing DOOM and QUAKE shooter games. Plus I a VR versions of both these games.
    I look for games that do not have allot drag out slow conversations throughout the whole game. Fallout 4 is not too bad.

    Thanks for the v ideo.

  5. I seen the Fallout show coming to Prime, and was like, I want to watch this, but I know it is based off a video game. i wanted to get experience with the game first. After researching everywhere online for a good month I decided on Fallout 4. I do not regret it at all. 104 hours into this game so far. Most of it just setting up bases, and modding the game to where I want it to be. (I blame Skyrim for that decision)!

  6. New Vegas just pisses me off that it ends before you play the DLC. You have to go back to a previous save. Also I wanted more interiors to explore then New Vegas gives you. I'm enjoying 4 more the second time around. I just wish you didn't have to rush to help a settlement when playing the DLC. I also hate the building area cap.

  7. You can play Fallout 3 and new Vegas on PS3 if you happen to have one.

  8. I still have mixed feelings with fallout 4: so many tools to develop your characer and customize it infinitely + mods, yet the main quest is uttermost garbage, and the far harbor dlc just a wasted potential to be the best dlc of all fallouts.

  9. Basically this guy: "Every Fallout game is great in it own right." I'm sorry, how is Fallout 76 defensible?

  10. Fallout 1, 2, 3, NV & 4 are still loved to this day. Fans are still modding & playing them. Although the fanbase always argues, I think we all can come to an agreement that we all love Fallout. 👍

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