Battlefield VI™: A New Era Begins

Battlefield VI has been officially shared by EA CEO as confirmed finished product stage as he barges into games with developers and says that he tremendously loves this new live service game that DICE is building for fans. Battlefield 6 has been finally announced by EA Games that the next Battlefield 6 is being developed by Dice and is going to be truly innovative with a brand new game engine updated with new technical additions. We have a new tech demo shown off with some destructive mechanism and player count in the new bf6.

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  1. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. I will not be pre-ordering anything from f**** EA.

    100 guarantee there will be no actual real servers for us to rent, there will be no Pro-con and no options such as hardcore and regular.

  2. No sir, Battlefield has not always been "live service" game.
    Battlefield 4 sold us downloadable content.

    Live service means less quality less content and early death.

  3. I hate to say it but I'm nit even really looking forward to this game it's really going to have to do something pretty great inorder for me to buy this or invest. I was just so disappointed with the last one don't get me wrong it was alright but I've switched to much better games…. ARMA.

  4. dude when a game is good enough, i will play it 10 years , i dont need live service to be able to play it 3 years. ! shit games come out and they need that so called "live service " ( updates, which should be in game from start )to turn to good games as we saw in last years atleast 10 times. When they start with this shit, this is immediatley a red flag after battle 2042. ! Life service is bad system for lazy development to grab even more money out of stupid costumers that will call it " good " after they got scamed.

  5. Remember playing battlefield bad company 2 with frostbite engine,, and battlefield 4 yea bring back frostbite engine then ill start playing

  6. I am absolutely tired and fed up with the theaters of Battlefield and COD games. It’s either world war or Afganistan and that’s it. No korea, no Vietnam, no malasia. I do hope they at least introduce a decent offline campaign with the option of co-op

  7. Bro… how the hell can you say bf v was better than bf3 ??? You must have never played it

  8. If EA could they would charge you a dollar everytime you reload your gun. Im pretty sure Android Wilson said it

  9. #neverpreorder

    EA and Dice are absolute liars and garbage. When they say innovation and ambitious, it will be something that isn't Battlefield. When they say they're way ahead of the schedule and that they have most teams ever on the game, it will be unfinished, features missing and buggy. Do not pre-order.

    Battlefield games are something no one else really has done. But after BF 2042 and BFV, I honestly do not want to see same of this… whatever this tragedy is. Franchise needs a good game, not this garbage.

  10. I remember seeing my friends playing 1942 and the mod desert combat at a lan party and after that I was hooked from then on Vietnam was bad ass but one battlefield that I really enjoyed was 2142 I think I played that the longest.

  11. I know that this is the 10th time i said this but ," IF ITS NOT BAD COMPANY 3 IM NEVER PLAYING ANOTHER BATTLEFIELD GAME!!!"

  12. If this is true, DICE should set BF6 in the timeline set by Battlefield 1 and V.

    The first two were set in the World Wars, so this one should be placed in the Cold War. Just imagine a Battlefield game set in Korea or Vietnam with the gritty tone of BF1 and the gameplay of V.

    That would be so epic, and it would redeem the franchise after the fiasco that was 2042

  13. Not buying another Battlefield after 2042, they completed annihiliated by customer loyalty since Bad Company.

  14. I hope BF6 is gonna take place during the Cold War. Maybe an Alternate Cold War where it went HOT. I'd love to fight in a Berlin map set during the cold war.

  15. If the new Battlefield isn't "playable" on day one. Like the past few were not. I will never spend my money on another Dice game. I haven't actually bought one since battlefield 4. I know there's a lot of negative talk about Gamepass, but it has saved me a lot of money by not purchasing games I felt were not worth my money.

  16. Battlefield bad company 1 is by far the best. And the most realistic. They don't make them like that anymore. Maybe they're not aloud to I don't know.

  17. From what I am getting with people writing in the comments to say “Shouldn’t you tell that to CoD fans”? Then I thought for a second, and made a conclusion that “Hackers just ruined the fun for gamers/people who had a long day at work/etc. and made all games worse”.

    We live in a sad state since Hackers really ruined everything.

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