Avowed – Trailer | Xbox Showcase 2024

Don’t miss the latest Avowed trailer for a look at the upcoming first-person fantasy action RPG developed by Obsidian Entertainment and published by Xbox Game Studios.

Explore Eora, a mysterious world first introduced in the Pillars of Eternity games. You’ll make your way on a perilous adventure through the diverse biomes of the Living Lands. Take on dangerous enemies with your sword and spell-casting abilities, and prepare to make important choices with hefty consequences.

Avowed will be released in 2024 on Game Pass, PC, Xbox Series X/S

#IGN #Gaming #Avowed


  1. Looks very different than the original announcement, thought we were getting a darker type game, first person, Skyrim-ish. Now it looks kinda like a borderlands cartoon skyrim game

  2. The original trailer had me pulled in and that was years ago. Gameplay looks unfinished and clunky. What a bummer.

  3. Looks much better than last showing, but game screams a will be delayed. How we half way into 2024 and you still not give a month. Why not just say 2025.

  4. This game really interesting and nice, but I'm torn. I've never once in my life found enjoyment in first person games, even when those games did everything else right, the FP perspective would ruin the game for me.

  5. I'm really excited about this game and waiting it. But it looks (visually) worse than the outer world and TOW looked REALLY bad

  6. Combat looked better in this one vs the previous trailer. Seems to have more weight behind the animations and looked less like a VR game than before

  7. The WORLD itself looks dope….the fighting mechanics and everything else, I'm still not sold on yet.

  8. I'm worried that it looks too bland for PoE 1+2 fans and too janky for any casual fps fans so it's gonna flop.

  9. Looks better everytime they show it. This trailer gave off a better scale to the game, felt much larger which is nice. Characters and story seems to be interesting now.

  10. Why is there always so much purple in these kinds of games? Enough with the damn purple already, we get it. It's always the exact same hue too.

  11. way to colorful, im not impressed.. though if gameplays great it could make up for the fortnite looking colors

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