Nvidia’s Surprising AI Origin Story

From AI-powered cars to crypto and OpenAI’s ChatGPT, tiny Nvidia chips play an outsized role in facilitating our daily routines. Before it became the world’s most valuable chipmaker, worth more than $3 trillion, the company had the more humble calling of manufacturing graphics cards for video game consoles. How will Nvidia further harness the power of its earliest innovation with advanced AI?

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00:00 Introduction
01:08 Nvidia’s origin story
02:10 From dinosaurs to video games
03:50 Solving complex tasks


  1. 2:55 has this lady ever touched a PC before??? A fractions of gamers replace their graphics cards that often. ESPECIALLY with how ridiculously expensive they’ve gotten. Newer games are more demanding, yes, but obviously they’ll still run well on older hardware if you don’t crank their graphics settings to the peak.

  2. Biden-Harris is a disaster in the inflation economy-security (border)-two wars. When Hunter Biden (Joe Biden's son) who received China money last year was investigated, Joe Biden later called Xi Jinping a dictator. Biden, a traitor who eased China's semiconductor technology regulations, is killing the US semiconductor companies Intel, Apple and Nvidia. Even if he has dementia, the traitor should be arrested along with his son.

  3. Their shares are so overpriced. Don’t worry it’s only your 401k at risk lol

  4. 7:53 I was just thinking about how the early 2000s we had those Nokia phones and didn't use texting and I thought it would be so cool if it could do email and things which Smart phones can do today. I guess now is like the early 2000s but with AI instead of phones.

  5. I appreciate you helping people achieve their financial goals through trading. Your work is truly important and valuable to us!

  6. the gaming industry is only worth 189 billion a year but nvidia is worth 3 trillion lol what?

  7. 3 billion gamers, yeah, if you count mobile phone peasants

  8. Huang went from making Xboxes to weird-looking cards with robot faces, and also he became grey. Thanks for the self-explanatory thumbnail that encompasses the essence of the video.

  9. It’s not just about the hardware that’s driving machine learning, it’s the software tools developed by Nvidia and all the open source software that supports it. Nvidia cornered the market but building Cuda, and with so much machine learning reliant on and written for Cuda, no one has a hope of catching up. AMD could come out with the best hardware tomorrow, but being unable to utilise Cuda, it’ll never take off.
    Now, if they could just write a reliable Linux driver….. 😂

  10. It made fortunes with crypto boom and now misappropriating it's crypto datacenters as AI datacenters. 45% revenue is from the CSP that have sustainable customers and rest is crypto farms now labeled as AI datacenter that Nvidia invests millions. Then sells them billions worth gpu.

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