1. Hey guys! My FULL reaction and thoughts to the Minecraft trailer is on my channel and is linked to this video. Make sure to check it out and let me know your thoughts!

  2. Its so true about how so many movies lean on "big name actors" to sell tickets. I saw sonic 2, not because idris was voice acting knuckles, but because they did a good job in sonic 1 and i felt confident they would continue. Same thing with sonic 3. Shadow couldve been voiced by anyone else and i would still see it.

    If only hollywood would save some money hiring less expensive voice actors (not paying them less, but just not hiring the ones that get so many offers despite having million dollar price tags) and spending that on writing a more cohesive script

  3. We love minecraft, the people making this movie think minecraft is stupid. So why would we watch it

  4. I’mma be honest with you, I felt the same way. But we can’t actually know that, until you actually watch the movie. You can’t really tell all that from a trailer.

  5. Certainly didn't take studios long to start using AI generated environments on green screens hahaha

  6. Minecraft will be an awful movie no matter what you do with the IP. Still, I think it's gonna be one of those movies that are so bad that it's funny.

  7. We already had a Minecraft movie. It's called Minecraft: Story Mode. The first season was the 3rd best Telltale game ever (just behind Back to the Future and The Walking Dead)

  8. The casting for Sonic is just great choices unlike putting Jack Black and Chris Pratt for everything

  9. from what i keep hearing about it the best way to make the minecraft movie good (in my opinion) is that there almost has to be a war between the characters almost smp style where they split into doing what they want to do in this new world

  10. Saying the casting isn’t the focus of the sonic films is insane when they got big names for knuckles and shadow lol.

  11. Tbh, when I first saw the trailer I was annoyed to find out it’s probably gonna be another “Woah! We woke up in a whole new world and gotta be friends and defeat everything!” I felt like there could’ve been more to it then just that

  12. people started giving respect to story mode after this. me honest reaction to it was nah its too late to give respect to story mode.

  13. He's right about Sonic tho. I don't give a darn about Keanu Reeves and only now did I find out he's voicing Shadow. Doesn't change the fact I'm already excited and wanting to watch Sonic3.

  14. Well I’m sure the backbone is actually gonna be related to the goal of beating Minecraft, getting through the nether for the blaze rods, getting ender pearls, getting to the end, and slaying the dragon. Think about it though, this is probably the only way they could’ve made a movie for Minecraft that could actually be somewhat enjoyable, but some things are just better left untouched by the movie industry

  15. Fallout and Sonic are perfect examples of the studio actually listening to fans and paying attention to the source material, Minecraft is gonna end up like Halo and Borderlands, a bad video game show/movie

  16. They should not have put Jack black. Or Jason Momoa in that movie. It should have just been an animated movie. It looks horrible the trailer. But that's my opinion.

  17. Hey jacob i have a question i would like to play some soulsborn or souls like Games but i don’t know if i should play it on console or pc

  18. If the whole thing was cgi and the characters were simply voiced by the actors I'd actually go see it
    Cause it's a fairly unique style for craft

  19. someone needs to remind hollywood that the lego movie was such a hit because it was actually a good film not just because its lego themed

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