What’s on this old 286 PC | Nostalgia Nerd

Head to to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain using code nostalgianerd ~ I happened to be playing around with an old 286 PC the other day, when I found a piece of software within that I really wasn’t expecting to. Join me on this adventure that includes discussing 286 PCs in general, Hercules graphics, amber screens and that bit of interesting software stored within!

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  1. My first pc was a 286 which we got second hand from my dad's business partner. It had a similar orange-and-black monitor and I only had a handful of games for it, one of them being Grand Prix. It ran and looked like ass, but I loved it. Ah, simpler times.

  2. I had an 8086 AT hercules with a green monitor. It would only play Prince of Persia (barely). It looked absolutely stunning though.
    edit: Aside from loderunner and space invaders and stuff like that. I once managed to load Golden axe (about 10 minutes of praying). It ran at 4 fps and was unplayable.

  3. 10:13 beautiful. That’s well preserved.

    I thought you could change the font color. 🤔 at least I remember doing things like that. I changed a few code things on a few simple games that made them more difficult for my siblings too ha. It would be fun to go back and see exactly what I was doing. (US, messed around with them from early 80s when I was a preschooler)

  4. That home office label might be an indicator as to why Norton would have been on there. Interesting find!

  5. Peter, you already have me as a subscriber and got a like automatically — but with a thumbnail tease like that I'm expecting pr0n, unreleased betas, or something straight out of War Games.

  6. I learnt computers because my father bought a 286 in the beginning of 90s in India. That was not that common at all, and he sparked my interest in computers and how to work with a limited resource like you mentioned as a kid. The greatest technological education I got.

  7. I see a windows folder from 1980? What's that all about? Please sir, bestow thine posphorous glory once more on the content of said folder, what wonders does it contain?

  8. Weirdly the most nostalgic bit of this video for me is that Belnea monitor in the intro, used to have those in the office at my first job! (around '98).

  9. X Tree Gold, now that sent a shiver down my spine. A freezing cold room with that monitor on was like having a fireplace with a fire burning in it, it felt warm.

  10. While living my mothers basement in my teen years I had a cracking 286 working as my “home server” running NetWare Lite, mostly hosting the WAD files me and my friends used to play in Doom Deathmatch (with some snazzy batch file to sync your local Doom WAD repo from said server, it was ground breaking).
    Ahh thinking of those NE1000 IRQ conflicts and 10base-2 bus breaks almost brings a tear to my eye.

  11. As a writer, I’d really like to get an old PC with an amber display and a big chunky keyboard. Both of which are satisfying for writing. What do you think would be the simplest route for this?

  12. An IBM PC AT key dangling from your lanyard was a drool worthy status symbol when that system was first released 🙂

  13. Please help me Mr Nostalgia Nerd 😅 I recently bought a Lenovo Thinkpad R61i with windows XP. It says no audio device on Control Panel.

    I’ve tried everything! What am I missing?

  14. my first PC was a college writing lab 286 in 1993…dang that was fun to learn…I hooked up whatever I possibly could to that thing!!! including a clunky hand scanner!!! so freeking fun…

  15. Knights of Legend! My dad grew up with the designer and his brother. There is some random NPC somewhere in the game named after him.

  16. oh my 20,000 pages 5 inch floppy’s megabyte’s of fun👍i was mesmerized screensaver’s putting linux on older thrift store finds many orthographic for the chip and card yes projections were feom real science then leaps and bounds of eye candy read like a reflection of the white paper for the . card and chip version after version with that bundle of screen savors yes the good old days abandoina👍 throwing bananas

  17. i remember playing some very simple games on my dad's old 286 with the orange and black screen. a the time it seemed so amazing

  18. Just letting you know:
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  19. An amber monochrome monitor via Hercules graphics adapter was my jam throughout undergraduate college in the late 80's since it was all a poor college student could afford at the time in my IBM XT clone system, initially only dual-floppy but later upgraded with a whopping 30 MB Seagate RLL hard drive. My roommate, a bit more well-heeled than I was, had the CGA card and a CGA monitor and could play Alley Cat and Leisure Suit Larry in glorious 4-color CGA. Aaah, the memories.

  20. My work experience in high school was amusingly with our schools IT Technician and on the first day he had me reinstalling DOS on "ancient" (by then) beige desktops located in an old training salon in the school in the D&T block. And I'd never seen an orange phosphor monitor before then. Green yes but orange? I was mesmerised. That particular day is crystallised in my mind. Alongside the hair washing sinks. That was an odd repurposing of a school room.

  21. That CGA card is special. I have that exact one and I found that it supports Plantronics color plus mode!
    Install planet X3, pesky robots or if you really want an adventure, install the plantronics driver for sierra games. 16 color!

  22. Tainted by America? You mean the country that invented and named the Two Eighty Six?
    Listen, bub. If Americans can bring themselves to call it a Zed Ex Spectrum, you can bring yourself to this.

  23. My first computer was a 386 with 4 MB of RAM, but it had a Hercules card, a CRT with orange phosphors, a 40 MB hard drive and no sound card just like the one shown here. And it was in a desktop case with twin 3.5"/5.25" floppy drives, even though it was 1995 (or maybe even '96) and literally nobody used 5.25" floppies anymore. I had a couple of DOS games on it, including Prince of Persia, as well as a copy of Windows 3.1 – even though it couldn't run most of "modern" Windows 3.1 software, as most of that required VGA at the very least. Still, I learned the basics and even some programming (QBasic and Turbo Pascal) on it. Good times.

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