1. this absolutely infuriates me I hate how Mortal Kombat has become the MCU now can they come up with anything new in Jesus bring back Mortal Kombat X at least that Brian something

  2. Honestly the fatality didn’t make me very excited at all, I feel like it lacks the proper beats and rythm most fatalities have. But the gameplay looks absolutely amazing and I can’t wait to get my hands on it 🙏

  3. Not a fan of these bs dlc's. Miss the days when they use to sell complete video games day one. Nowadays they'll give us some half finished product usually buggy day one. Then after they actually get the game to work properly they roll out these dlc's "expansions" that were supposed to be in the game and sell it to us then they sell us characters and skins. Gone are those days of the secret characters. It's all about how much money can they milk out of their biggest fans and supporters

  4. …..it's ok but nothing will save the game unless we have an option NOT to use kameos. Make them playable.

  5. I’m sooo completely stoked for everything that’s coming in a couple weeks 😏

  6. I like Cyrax better just wish her finisher was better I hope her second one better. But I did enjoy both look fun to play

  7. Sektor being a genderswapped iron man rather than a cyborg suffering through a self inflicted body horror is lame af

  8. I was excited when they announced Cyrax and Sektor, but Sektor turned out to be my favorite even though I've always been a Cyrax main

  9. Except Cyrax is tryna be like Black Panther with that stereotypical ass accent

  10. I really wish i could be hyped for this but i cant tbh the only 2 im hyped for is noob n im holding my breath for ghostface.

    They could have given us two new female characters with there own new story n movesets but its to much work for ed n NRS

  11. So they clearly forgot that the suit has open areas under the arms and on the fingers and isnt air tight which would make outer space travel impossible without her ending along side the person the fatality is being performed on.

  12. Not all that hyped, in all honesty. I'm more hyped towards getting classic sektor and classic cyrax. I geuss it just feels awesome seeing something in high quality rather than a 16-bit sprite, but maybe that's just the lost media enjoyer in me 🤷‍♂️

  13. Im more hyped about Khameleon getting some story lines. Im hoping she'll finally be a fully playable kharacter outside of a Nintendo console for the first time

  14. Despite the gender swap, Sektor is still way too manly. Meaning the gender swap was pointless.

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