Imperiums: Rise of Caesar – Indie Gaming Trailer

The Roman Republic is going through a very turbulent time. The struggle between the Roman senate and the consuls who seek to usurp more power keeps the state at a constant risk of civil war and it is now when one of the most famous figures of Roman history enters the stage, Julius Caesar.

The new DLC gives you an opportunity to assume the leadership of several Roman legions and rise to military and political prominence by subjugating Gaul and entering the mysterious British Isles. And if you are brave enough, you can try to defy the Romans, crush their attempts to enslave Gaul and stop their expansive ambitions by drowning their greed in a bloody defeat.

Two interlinked campaign maps with a number of new mechanics invite you to test your tactical genius in a fight for life.

Both maps can easily take several evenings to complete and thanks to their scale they are ideal for multiplayer games.



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