20 Best Games of 2024 [First Half]

rewrite this content and keep HTML tags The first half of 2024 gave us some great new game releases for PC, PS5, Xbox Series X, and Nintendo Switch. Subscribe for …



  1. last uni semester, i managed to play and beat nearly 100% of FF7 rebirth, still it was nowhere what I wanted to play, wish i coud play even more, still my 2nd goty, first being lad infinite wealth

    all i did was write my final paper and write my bonus papers since I persue a academic career in my country, so I did 3 papers while on break, on US it would be summer break here its more of a winter break

    i need to stop getting high, got a litle to confy during break and well ff7 morphine and xanax and were amazing but now i need to wake up

    but december i'll finish everything and play and get more high even the before lma, wanna get DD2, SMT V and Stellar Blade.

    hopefully i can also get addictions sorted out, use less, i'll never stop getting high but at least not burning out is the answer hopefully everyone is doing allright

  2. You had maybe 4 good games on that list. Total click bait! But that's my opinion. And your list is yours. Rise of Ronin is trash and that is universal.

  3. This video lost all credibility when it put some poker game next to Elden Ring. Please stop wasting everyone's time.

  4. im really intrigued with enshrouded but i cant get myself to buy it if i know im going to be playing it solo

  5. In Pacific Drive that old beat up car is what, you have no idea what type of car that is because you are too young to understand.

  6. Rise of the Ronin is a game that got so much shit solely for its graphics meanwhile the gameplay is awesome. It's funny how gamers complain about how games waste too much time on graphics and not perfecting gameplay and this is a clear example of how most gamers are complete hypocrites. If it had FF7 Rebirth level graphics it would be a GOTY contender.

  7. The fact that they didnโ€™t add Another Crabs Treasure to this list is astonishing.

  8. To be honest big hit games like these feels like there are not as maney then previous year in 2024

  9. I know their sony guys but man cmon there were more pc games that were better but i get it ,jake likes his sony singles lol

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