Everyone Hates Star Wars Outlaws (except us) – Inside Games Roundup

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Hosted by:
Lawrence: | Bruce: | Brian:

Edited by: ShooklynTV:

Written by: Lawrence Sonntag & Brian Gaar

Sources —
[IGN] Star Wars Outlaws Patch 1.000.002 Is Stranding Some PS5 Players in Space, Forcing Them to Start New Saves –
[IGN] Ubisoft Gives Annoyed Star Wars Outlaws PS5 Players Who Paid to Play Early but Lost All Progress a Trinket and Some Loyalty Points No-One Wants –
[Eurogamer] Star Wars Outlaws PS5 players asked to start all new save to avoid progression blocking bugs -…


  1. I love that u guys don’t hate on „ woke „ things

    First woke is good woke is freedom for people rather then opression
    This game isn’t even „ woke“

    U guys hate Ubisoft and say it but still say u like the game partly
    Exactly this is it
    We gotta boycott and call out those company’s but we can’t just blindly be fcking morons about other things

    Like ppl hate this game for the wrong reasons and boycott it for hr wrong reasins

  2. I hate Ubisoft capitalism and what ubisoft does and thinks like

    That’s why I would boycott the game
    Not bc of some dumb right wing bullshit

    It breaks my heart to see so many ppl boycotting it for the wrong reasons

    Bc of her face or her body or bc of some dumb bullshit that they hate woke bc they want opress ppl not free them
    So they hate „ woke“ things lol

    But they don’t hate the capitalistic company’s and what not
    It’s so weird to me

    They boycott it for the wrong reasons

  3. I'm playing outlaws through Ubisoft+ and liking the game a lot. I wouldn't have paid full price for it since i was on the fence, the gameplay looked kinda bland but having tried it out now I can't stop playing

  4. I’m only a few hours in but I’m loving the world they’ve created.
    The sense of place is superb.
    Simple gameplay aside, it’s pretty enjoyable 🤷🏻‍♂️😊

  5. the game is awesome – but many of the people hating it havent even played it – its just the massive hate of Ubisoft – but i dont understand why so much hate to Ubisoft ?

  6. Judging by this review it just sounds like people who reviewed the game either has not been paying attention, not played the game or the game is not for them.

    Based on your review I’ll give it a chance and I’ll see what I think. Maybe this open world game is for me, as other open world games I have not been a fan of.

  7. Agree with Brian: the main issue with a PS5 pro is the lack of PS5 games! Pro console for fucking what?

  8. That's why y'all should never play the game until the full release 😅 I guess some gamer just can't wait to play til they learn the hard way and not knowing what's gonna happen or could h…… Don't hate the game hate yourself Just saying don't be too hungry for it or any new games coming out just be patient…

  9. Thanks so much guys/Lawrence for the Demon's Mirror suggestion. Just beat the demo and super disappointed that it ends on the first boss. So yes I'm getting it when it comes out. Awesome suggestion and find. Thanks again!

  10. Gamers nowadays don’t like any games unless they’re Soulslike. I don’t take any gamers opinions seriously, most of these guys have horrible taste.

  11. The game is good im early about 3 hours or so but i love everything about it. It is a well put together game. Stealth can be better though there are times in mission where i honestly don't know where to go.

  12. saw some people stream outlaws, didnt find it appealing. very bad gameplay from what i saw. not a huge star wars guy though at this point

  13. I want Dino Crisis for the fear factor. I don't need another action game. I need giant dino heads smashing through windows to bite at me.

  14. Players upset at patches breaking saves

    Me, a long time Stellaris player: "First time?"

    Every Stellaris expansion and accompanying patch always breaks saves. It's not a big deal as people make it out to be.

  15. i really think each game should be introduced as supporting or not supporting jk rowling

  16. I feel like I took crazy pills. Yes, it has its glitches, but the core game is awesome. Never saw Star Wars locations in a game made with so much attention to detail. The amount of hate the game is getting from people who only saw YouTube videos with glitches is surprising. Also, I LOVE Nix.

  17. Don't be ashamed to like it. It's a good game. Massive are great devs. I think a lot of reviewers are just going along with the narrative so they don't get heckled by the very vocal minority of haters. The majority of people don't give a shit about Kay Vess's face or that the gameplay isn't revolutionizing game mechanics. It's a fun, familiar, very pretty, open-world Star Wars game. That's cool.

  18. My only issue is the main character's name is Kay Vess and all she wears is vest 😂😂

  19. Playstation is like your wierd uncle that is the guy when things are rough and is there for you and takes care and looks out for you but once things get good he immediately gets too big for his breaches and starts drinking and becomes beligerent and tell you how you better be gratefulk for him and acts out against you for his own sake.

  20. You guys clowned people who voted dino crisis but nobody bought it? it’s been so long since people had the opportunity to support a dinosaur survival horror. Would be crazy to see it use the same engine as re4 remastered…

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