‘Dance of Dragons’ Update Trailer / War Thunder

The next major update for War Thunder — ‘Dance of Dragons’!

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  1. I literally can't take Chinese aircrafts seriously with it's voice warning system, it's too silly

  2. Great update war thunder. I can’t wait to spend 3 years of my life to get the tanks and air planes I want to play

  3. They need to add Bismarck looking at its design specs it's not that op and it would get ppl to play naval

  4. I don't get it, why does the j10 come in before the EC-Typhoon?
    Or why did not Germany get better fighters for top high tier?

  5. Стеклорез работу разрешил будет The glass cutter has allowed the work =)

  6. We gettin ready to boost research and get these puppies with money with this one 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥🔥

  7. Я уже оцепенел как услышал музыку из фильма небо очень неожиданно !

  8. Bro why does this trailer have an actual plot lol. There's a Swiss jet chasing a Chinese one while the narration is talking about dragons. Then you see the shadow of a dragon transition into a JF-17 reveal (which the Chinese call the 'Fierce Dragon') that shows up to shoot down the Swedish jet, also referencing the Sino-Pk alliance.

  9. I kinda hate how gaijin is putting other nations vehicles into anothers, for example the F111, Gripen, Leopards 2

  10. this game is a total waste of mechanics. To complex for this failed gameplay.

  11. Русы, если вы здесь, что бы узнать почему на русском канале нет этого, то знайте, улитки окончательно решили откреститься от всего СНГ, это было понятно и раньше, но щас они по настоящему плюнули.
    Обычный бунт уже не поможет…

  12. The Fencer is finally here – The Russians call it “the iron” because it nose is like a clothing iron if I remember correctly

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