PS5 Pro Price Could Surprise; PS5 Games Delayed for PS5 Pro Enhanced Upgrades; PS5 Price Hike Japan!

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  1. There's no way in any hell Sony is going to price PS5 Pro at $600. They are going to milk their customers as much as they can until they see blood. The only reason why PS5 price is still increasing because of its demand, if sales were slow or anything they would've toned down few dollars off, but now they see trying to skim off few extra dollars from their customers bit by bit.

    Your video title is absolutely correct, because PS5 Pro pricing will surprise but in a bad way.

  2. Not what i like to hear about a hobby i enjoy doing. Haven't been playing anything in the past few days. If I'm on my PS5 I'm probably watching movies or shows with my wife. Gaming isn't getting me hyped up like it used to.

  3. I am using Sony PlayStation 7 Pro SLX and I don’t need this nerd machine. I love playing GTA 8, Cyberpunk 3045 and Last of Us IV.

  4. I hear this Star Wars game now requires a total save file deletion for the latest patch!
    People who bought the Gold Edition have been utterly Ubisofted!

  5. The PS5 price increase in Japan might be due to the currency exchange rate. However, it is shocking that PlayStation wouldn't take a profit loss on the console to increase the user install base; especially those of us (like myself) that are still on PS4.

    In the US at least, I think the PS5 Pro will launch at $600. It seems to make the most sense. I would guess they would call it PlayStation Edge like the Dual Sense Edge.

    What PlayStation needs now is to really 'encourage' people to get the PS5 Pro when it comes out. $600 seems like more likely but if they launch it at $500 and price cut the PS5 Slim (Disc) to $400, they're going to see a HUGE sure in PS5 users.


    Wake tf up people. Yall seriously thought this wouldn’t happen, all the measures after Covid just delayed the worst. The markets are gonna crash. Luxury will become more luxury

  7. I play GT7 online and Japanese drivers are the worst, so glad they have to pay more. I can't believe you're enjoying the star wars game yet another cookie cutter Ubisoft game with some of the worst stealth mechanics than any other game and the blandest playable character of all time.

  8. As of August 19th Black Myth Wukong has sold 10 mil, I'm sure it will hit 15 mil in due time but not there yet

  9. Sony should think about releasing new games that take advantage of the Ps5's great hardware. A Ps5 pro is useless and makes no sense to exist. I won't waste my money and I hope other video gamers do the same.

  10. Sony has no incentive to lower prices. Sony only becomes consumer friendly when they are pushed by competitors and unfortunately right now Xbox ain't doing it. Sony owns the market right now so bend over and get used to it.

  11. Gonna be $699 cus they know the scalping bots will buy them all and try to resale them for well over $1000 😅 I want one but prolly got to wait til next year when the hype dies down

  12. I ask this Quastian because'

    Either Sony polls magic- reality or Wishfull thinking '
    I believe this is Wishfull thinking but agianst all odds turned out too be REALITY '




    – 4K 120 Hz consistent with all games and Ray Tracing

    -Disc drive included or detacebal

  13. I live in Germany, if the ps5 pro will be 600 in USA then in Germany will be 700-750€ range, or 775-850USD
    That price bump in Japan is only a marketing gimmick, they try to push the sales for PS5, before the Pro will become real.
    People will panic and buy the PS5 stocks, before "the price hike" will hit them.
    I can bet my yearly income on that (if the PS5 Pro will really come to fruition).
    Anyway, I am waiting for my Pro variant, I was not able for 3 years to get a ps5 because of scalpers, when this year was available I have decided to wait for the pro variant, because the normal console is getting to old to buy it at half life already.
    I have already bought a 4 TB SSD, an Samsung 990 Pro with heatsink,
    and a game is on his way to me, Star Wars Jedi: survivor, was 30€, new.
    All I need now is a console. If until December will be no Pro variant then I will buy a PS5, and that's that.

  14. It's already to expensive! Whats going to happen is no ones going to buy anymore. I certainly won't buy anymore and I'm a huge game we spend 1000's a year .

  15. We are still suffering from left wing inflation in both Canada and US. So good luck with anything getting cheaper..the ps5 pro will be jacked up guaranteed…🤦‍♀️🥶💩
    So realistically expect to pay $800 to $1000 in Canada..🧐

  16. I believe 599.00 will be the price for PS5 pro as it makes sense for the current market today.

    AMD made and APU using Zen2 and if going with a mid range RDNA 3 based GPU with forward looking features from RDNA4 which releases in the fall with 16GB of GDDR6 shared memory with close to 21GBS memory bandwidth then Sony can’t really afford to sell it any less this than 599.

    AMD isn’t a budget cpu/GPU maker it was back in 2013 when they needed console contracts from Sony and MS to get any revenue streams to stay relevant while they built up Zen and building what we know today as RDNA family of gpus.

    AMD is now market leader in CPU for consumer and closing in on enterprise laptops and servers. They are focusing on AI and GPU s are likely going to be just another product stack they support but only to build AI products around to sell at higher prices to the enthusiasts and enterprise customers in the future almost following NVIDIAs lead.

    AMD pretty much has the hand held pc gaming market with Valve APU and Zen1 and Z1 extreme and with Nvidia trying to create competitor APU, AMD won’t let off the gas for them to try and take it over.

    The reality is that gaming is fast becoming a hobby that most people won’t be able to afford and these companies will be ok with that as these systems will sell because social media, influencers and marketing will drive sells no matter the cost. The days of building a good product and ecosystem is done due to that. We didn’t have social media or influencers during the 80s, 90 and early 2000s. These companies had to make good games and products at affordable prices in order to sell and move units. That isn’t the case in today’s world of you tubers, tik tok influencers doing live streaming, game pick ups and other things to drive fomo.

    You want to put blame on high prices for a hobby you love that is just getting more expensive, just look at how you are being influenced and just accept it and buy what you want when you want or don’t and be ok with that too and wait for market to self correct or not. I’m guilty of being a consumer and luckily I can afford to, but that is just me

  17. I understand why Microsoft is launching the new xbox by 2026! Totally makes sense!

  18. Sony is forcing the Japanese to pay for concord losses 😂

    Soon its going to be cheaper to buy a pc over buying a console🤣

  19. The whole world has to subsidize the console for the US, that's not fair. This tells me the PS5 pro is going to be so expensive nobody will buy it. I'm tired of subsidising shit for a 1st world country. Sony Learned nothing from Xbox when they were on the top before E3 2013.

  20. I think we'll see a 10 year PS5 generation before we get a PS6, PS5 Pro will bridge the gap and Xbox is tailing off hard

  21. PC is a waste of money. I left PC and have never looked back. Good riddance.

  22. If they already have ps5 pro kits, why would you need to slow down production. Unless that company didn't receive one.

  23. I'm only getting the pro if there's an improvement in VR. Just got psvr for $350 when it went on sale. I love it. Now give me my physical version of Black Myth Wukong

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