DEADLOCK Valve’s new game finally UNVEILED! Everything you need to know!

Deadlock is Valve’s new multiplayer game that is in early development. It’s a hero shooter Moba hybrid with non stop action and strategic gameplay.

Have you tried it? What’s your impression?

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  1. Don't you dare compare this to TF2 this is just overwatch but in third person you should have never compare Deadlock to TF2 that's like comparing a mountain to a ant hill by size or in TF2 case quality Deadlock is just a overwatch in TF2 grown

  2. I played 2 matches and can sadly, confidently say; this game is really bad. Feels incredibly soulless. 🙁

  3. 'literally a million' when its more like 80K. Big number but not the meaning of literally lol

  4. Strange that this feel like what garden Warfare could have done as it's main game mode

  5. The premise is so boring. If you like Mobas, go play Mobas. If you like shooters, go play CS, R6S or CoD. This is like an in-between and doesn't have either's strengths and both's weaknesses.

  6. so basically a mix of, tf2, ow, and league?(dota dont care most people play league cry about it😂)

  7. Valve really refuses to make tf3 or anything of they’re series a third game so instead they made this

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