11 Exciting New Games Coming to Nintendo Switch – March 2024

March, my guy, you need to slow down with all these new Switch games.

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  1. Geno (from Super Mario RPG) should get his own spin-off game next. He deserves the same treatment as Snufkin!

  2. Oh the flashy.. I should have taken your warning.. usually unless it’s fireworks or other intense flashy boys … it doesn’t mess with me

  3. I wish somebody would bring NBA jam to the Sega, genesis collection or the super Nintendo collection on the Nintendo switch

  4. Based on the demo, I can honestly tell that Contra on the Switch is unplayable; input lag, poor animation, 30fps and weird chokes during the gameplay. However, on the series s, it’s a completely different experience; it’s buttery smooth and overall plays great. Definitely the latter version is a perfect homage to the original. Definitely best Contra in decades, but not on the console where it should shine the brightest.

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