PS5 Pro is coming soon | Xbox Next Gen Console A Game Changer? | Xbox Next Gen Console Details

#xbox #ps5pro #gamingchannel

Behind the scenes at Gamescom point to the imminent release of the PS5 Pro this year. I also have details on what to expect from the next-generation Xbox consoles and when they should be coming out.


  1. PS5 Pro in November!? Are you excited? What do you think about the next Xbox strategy from Microsoft?

  2. Not sure why ppl don't understand, there's no obligation to get a ps5pro. My Cameroon gets the pro, living room gets the original 5

  3. Microsoft is about to convert its fanbase to PC with a new XBox that's really a $800-$1000 PC 🤣🤣🤣🤣. Nasty work

  4. Why have so many xbox tubers become PS tubers or now being "gaming" tubers?
    And why so many hardcore xbox youtubers have ended?

  5. Sorry I don’t like the renting my games model. I know if I’ll like a game and I’ll buy it. I don’t want to have to be forced into continually purchasing gamepass in order to play my games I want to play. Honestly it looks good on the surface but really it’s just not worth it

  6. Oh man Dee…Are you serious?? Dont you remember the steam home console/pc…Yeah that failed as will this especially if they go underpowered and need to use the cloud to stream like Nvidia as the rumors claim…i dont wanna play off a server with a 4090… i want it to play native of my hardware

  7. I throw up in my mouth every time I hear a grown man so concerned about a trillion dollar company's WALLET. Even typing this makes me sick ,This is great for Microsoft and there wallet they get to make lots of money so listen up bots it's a good thing ,take it for me I know wat I'm talking about I never lie remember I told u it would only be 4 games going to playstation 😂😂

  8. I don’t buy games at full price. I always wait for a sale. My Xbox library is only second to my pc library. Only I will buy at full price is gta 6.

  9. Nah the next Xbox consoles are not real Xbox consoles anymore, they are pre build mini PC's with the Xbox name slaped on. Xbox as a console brand is dead 😂.

  10. Who cares if the games are going to playstation. I been an Xbox fan since day one. It's a business and there doing best for the business. I think xbox is the only business that has the balls to give everyone what they want is games and not being tied to exclusive.

  11. That rumored new Xbox console practically being a PC sounds fukin awesome. Hopefully there is some actual reliability to the source and not just someones wish.

  12. The bulk of revenue a console manufacturer makes is from the licensing fees of 3rd party titles sold for that console. With Gamepass and Xbox porting 1st party titles to PlayStation, Steam, and Switch, the number of 3rd party games sold on any new Xbox console will be small, making it a nonviable product. Any new Xbox console will be releases to save face. Expect Phil to use the phrase, "For the fans…" during its announcement, like Satya and Panos Panay said about the lackluster final Windows Phone. Valve can whitelist any Sony published games from appearing on the Steam Store of an Xbox hybrid console. Now, a bloatless Gaming centric version of Windows released for all PCs could revolutionize the PC gaming market. I don't have my hopes up for it though.

  13. Ok I'm coming out as an "INSIDER".The PS5-PRO will launch in the US,United Kingdom,Canada,Australia,Japan,Mexico,South Korea and New Zealand on December 20th 2024 and the "Rest Of The World" on December 25th 2024.#Y'all read it here first.🤫🫡

  14. They still have not used the full potential of the PS5 so why put out a Pro version before they even master the 1st version? Money grab I suppose. I might buy one if it impresses me and it better blow my mind because I am not shelling out more money for just a little better. It better be leaps and bounds better.

  15. I’ll believe that when Sony says the only things I saw was nothing from Sony and 3 new consoles coming from Microsoft they announced a 2 TB Xbox series X something I need storage is more needed Sony hasn’t released one PS5 2 TB yet

  16. I know way most of the diehards are getting that pro if it doesn't have a disk drive. Most of the people who want an upgrade are CollectorsCollectors. The hardcore. I will I will wait until they put out one with the dish dryer. I want to play my existing games At a higher frame rate And consistent resolutions.

  17. We don't need Pro versions, why can't people just be happy with what we have and wait for next-gen? The Pro version won't even outsell the regular version. They will still have to port the games to the original as well. Microsoft made a better decision, people shouldn't be expecting there to always be Pro versions. Consoles are meant to give you better experiences and updated graphics better than the last, they are not meant to be PCs. Grand Theft Auto VI will end up be its most popular on PC.

    The PlayStation 5 Pro won't even be able to do PC quality Ray Tracing, so what's the point? Also games won't be hitting 60fps all the time either, even with this unnecessary update. This is a waste of time and money, not only for Sony, but for everyone that stupidly buys one. Are they gonna want a PlayStation 6 Pro, too? Just unnecessary. This is not what console gaming is about. They need to send in their dev-kit engineers to optimize these games using the hardware properly and to its fullest and wait for next generation. This is sad…

  18. I'm really interested in Xbox making a spected out console. I think it's very smart if they don't overprice it.

  19. I think, Microsoft is going to announce their new strategy for next gen before any big xbox titles go to Playstation 5! So xbox will still be the best place to play. And their games will be like a Trojan horse to the ps5 community!

    I believe the new xbox will be announced this holiday at the game awards this year and show the box. And launch at Holiday 2025 alongside next gen Cod, gta 6 and other next gen games. It will have insane ML inference lead with Microsoft super resolution. They will announce their VR next year june and show of the enhanced controller.

    It will be more pc like and allow other store fronts like steam, ubisoft geforce now etc.
    And all games will play better on xbox.
    They will also launch a handheld day 1
    It will appeal to console gamers and more importantly pc gamers.
    It will have some sort of upgradeabliity option. Not just ssd but a core upgrade. Like an additional gpu to add on in an sli/CrossfireX manner.

    By the time the ps6 launches In 2028. Xbox will launch a mid gen upgrade or core upgrade add on! That could just slot in!

  20. I agree with tim dog , xbox games should not be going to Playstation, what phil spencer does not realize is that he is embarrassing xbox. When Playstation 5 pro comes out

    And Microsoft releases indiana jones , the game will run better on ps5 pro, which will be a total embarrassment for microsoft and loyal xbox gamers.

    What are xbox gamers getting from Playstation in return? Microsoft is undermining their community which will come back to bite them in the end.

    I think at this point phil spencer needs to step down, he has done well up to a certain point but now he no longer has a good strategy.

    His strategy now is to put all xbox franchises on Playstation to pay back for bad acquisition purchases.

    The next xbox better be a pc hybrid with nothing less than 24gb vram and an x3d cpu zen 6/7 , but at the rate xbox is going , it will get slaughtered by sony ps5 pro before a new xbox launches

  21. Dee you kno better. PS5 pro games especially early ones are unlikely to be significantly better than bass PS5. Also GTA V will 99% be played on Series S and base PS5. The majority of the hardcore is not upgrading just to play GTA V and the millions of new comers are not buying a $600 box just to play it either.

  22. Ps3 was $600, some gotta get those two jobs they mentioned then now again. Lol…

    Xbox better be a hybrid PC, w/steam, and epic stores.

    But I just care that they make a handheld… with Steam and Epic stores…
    Something that plays all my Xbox back log native from expansion card compatibility.

    My PC handles mostly what I do… I just want an Xbox app update that lets me play my Xbox library native on my pc, and that Xbox portable handheld, aka XP.

  23. I think Nintendo is going to dominate 2025 in hardware. Because they're going to have stronger 3rd party support. In addition to the high quality of their own franchises.

  24. so four years into a new console gen.. they rather brute force higher fps and resolution then optimizing games for current systems?

    considering 50% of PSN users still have a PS4 and yet to see an reason to upgrade.. why not make more PS5 gen only games then constantly Cross-gen.. like heck they still making the latest cod for hardware 11 years old

    Also Forza Horizon 5? you mean the game that is in the final year in its life span.. ironic he didn't mention "Motorsport" the newest title

  25. The next GEN Xbox is more of a PC hybrid and even if it’s eight or $900, it’s still probably better to buy a powerful PC with a gaming monitor with 240 hz with everything around $3000

  26. I genuinely was interested in the PS5 Pro. I was. Buuuuut, that changed after I got myself my first real gaming PC. Between Xbox for primary gaming and PC for games not on Xbox, I am now completely covered. Now, I'm just waiting for more Spider-Man 2 announcements.

    Speaking of PC, what are your thoughts on the i9 13900K vs. the i9 14900K? I've been reading that the improvement differential between the two aren't significant. Those with the i9 13900K are typically advised to just stick with that. Wondering what your thoughts about that are.

    Now, however, I am interested in seeing the PS5 Pro become and actual thing because I want to see what, if any, impacts it has within the gaming industry. That piques my curiosity.

    (If it matters, my GPU is an RTX 4090. Not trying to "show off" or anything. Just providing factual information for the sake of context.)

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