BioPhoenix Game Reviews: Efera & Jiliora – The Emblem From Darkness (PC Engine CD)

Episode 243
based after an anime titled Gude Crest. this is a top down action RPG similair to an Ys game where you play as 2 female mercenaries. the game even has co-op so with that said thanks for watching and commenting 🙂


  1. I will check out the music. I really hate areas / levels that incorporate flying annoying enemies…. Code Veronica X, Elden Ring …. Heck even Thor on the DS to an extent have annoying, pesky flying creatures that are a pain to deal with.
    I agree with the graphics, they look a bit dull compared to some of the other pc engine games you’ve showcased.
    Enjoyed the review

  2. This game has a great soundtrack as the standpunt feature. I tried playing this but the bad audio balancing and lack of subtitles made the story hard to follow and the gameplay felt a bit too basic to hold my interest for long. I do intend to go back to it.

  3. After the 80´s SF/space genre boom the RPG/fantasy took over at the end of the 80´s/early 90´s and Japan fans devoured it all like hungry wulfs! So in retrospect many titles that looks boring or nothing special now was in many aspects just what the people wanted then and this title is a good example of that. I saw the OVA only back in the late 90´s and had the same feeling you had but at that time one had seen soo much other better things like Slayers and Lodoss etc . Interesting video anyways as it fills a little hole in the history for me.

  4. Awesome to see a review of this game as i love the soundtrack so much i uploaded some. unfortunate how the game did not live up to the soundtrack but i enjoy seeing these cool japan only games getting some attention good or bad

  5. Losing 1hp for a dash attack is actually quite generous compared to Ar Tonelico and Star Ocean 3 where your special moves take off a huge percentage of your health.

    I knew the moment you mentioned that bee section, there would be a Nicholas Cage skit at the end.

    Bit of a shame that the game sucks though.

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