Did you Know? Metal Gear Solid Trailer #metalgearsolid

Metal Gear Solid had an amazing E3 trailer back in 1997, showcasing the game to an eager audience.

Looking back, we can see that the trailer has many differences to the final release.

Music by Hollowface :

#gaming #fyp #retro #shorts #playstation


  1. It's been a long time since I saw that trailer. I saw it many times on Metal Gear Solid VR missions. I used to be very confused by all the differences.

  2. This trailer ment so much to me when I got that PS1 Demo Disk. Back then normally you either played a game or saw a trailers for it. That Demo had a playable Demo AND This Trailer for MGS 1. Sony was making it a big deal and rightfully so 🙂

  3. i dont think these models were even supposed to be in the final release, just higher quality renders for the trailer

  4. Because of this trailer I always thought I was meant to blow up Shadow Mouses with hundreds of C4 at the end game.

  5. The trailer was on a demo disc, then there was the demo version of the game on a later demo disc, and then I bought the whole game. I loved it so much that I wasn't even mad that it didn't have the C4 madness and all the action that the trailer had shown. In fact, the actual game was impressive in completely different ways, but they wouldn't have made an "exciting" trailer for a 9-year-old.

  6. I love this game. I played a hundred times over. Getting the red bandana was only the first run through special item you could get in that game. Loved replaying as a kid

  7. This is an unlockable trailer from VR Missions for the Japanese release of MGS: Integral.

    It is in no way an early trailer for the initial US release of Metal Gear Solid.

  8. I hate mgs now… ever since I found out that Kojima was refusing to give us Solid Snake.. mgs2 he acted like we would play as snake than we get to Raiden. Mgs3 nope not snake Big Boss. Mgs4 FINE I give you Solid Snake but OLD MGSV no input needed… did you guys know this!? BAD KOJIMA GIVE US SOLID SNAKE

  9. I do remember this trailer, although I haven't seen it in years. Definitely remember the unlimited C4 explosions, but I never noticed MG MK2 in inventory!

    Makes me wish there was a MGS4 mod that turned everything into MGS1 graphics.

  10. Nearly wore out my OPM demo disc watching this trailer on repeat. Never seen anything like it for a game until that point.

  11. Trying to play this game but i cant do it. I bought the switch version and the graphics are so bad and controls so awkward that i cant even see whats going on or control anything, its terrible

  12. I got baited hard by the trailer. The kid I was thought it was an action game where you shoot everywhere. I was quite disappointed. So much so that after few minutes of playing I tried the disc 2 thinking it was a different game. Turns out I continued to play and it was my all time favorite game for many many years. And as you can see with my pfp, I’m a huge Kojima fan since then.

  13. I tried for HOURS to do the spinning kick!
    I saw the demo after I had the game and believed its in the game.

  14. You can see an item called "Moslem" next to the "MG MK2" and if I'm not mistaken, that's the brand of cigarette that Snake likes to smoke.

  15. Konami commented on this issue, saying that the biggest problem was the console's processing power, which is why they had to cut so many elements. Furthermore, Ocelot and Ninja are nothing more than pre-rendered animations.

  16. I remember glancing at the trailer ages ago and it looked like a cool game plus sometimes the trailer and the final product are different in films, TV, and in video games.

  17. The trailer had the later scrapped CGI scenes. Ninja fighting, commander room shootout, the base explosion with C4 was all made for the trailer from the get go. The main difference I wish we had in the main game is the crouch walk while back pressed against the wall. I would give anything to play the beta with these things.

  18. It was a teaser trailer. These days they have a disclaimer stating the game is still in production and may differ from the final version.

  19. Yes! I haven’t seen this trailer in years. Saw it on an early release demo cd with a magazine.


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