This NEW Subnautica-like Underwater Survival Horror Game is AMAZING!! – Full Fathom

Welcome to Full Fathom. Full Fathom is an open-ocean, underwater survival horror game set in an underwater world where you must maintain the integrity of a decrepit submarine and survive the terrors of the deep. Let’s play Full Fathom!

โ†’ Wishlist and play the Full Fathom Demo here:

Want more Full Fathom gameplay? Let me know in the comments!


Want more IGP?

Still Wakes the Deep:

Unknown Tapes:



Sketchy’s Contract:

Silent Breath:

Content Warning:


Fossil Fuel 2:


Lethal Company:

Once Human:

The Exit 8:…


  1. Hope you guys enjoyed! Make sure to wishlist the game on Steam ๐Ÿ™‚

    The demo is currently down for patching, I spoke with the dev and ALL of the bugs I encountered are going to be patched out and the demo will be available again very, very soon. Once it's back up, you guys can check it out for yourself and not have to worry about the stuff I saw lol

    Genuinely enjoyed the hell out if this, it was pretty much what I wanted and more. Can't wait for the full game.

    Love y'all. Have a good weekend!

  2. if all 20 cubic Km of surface ice melted on earth, the sea level would rise 216 Ft. There would be plenty of land left to live on, and coastal cities with buildings over 216 Ft tall would poke out above the surface of the water if we don't get rid of them beforehand. It will take 5000 years for all glacial ice on Earth to melt at the current rate of global warming, slightly less than that if we increase carbon emissions along the way (maybe 4900 years instead). Over time, floating cities in shallow parts of the ocean, like where Florida used to be, will be commonplace. they might be built like a series of oil rigs, interconnected above and below the water. People on land will live in increasingly taller and more subterranean cities, eventually conglomerating into enormous megastructure cities. Humans will live in colonies on Mar's surface, in floating cities in Venus's atmosphere and underneath the surface on the ice moons orbiting Jupiter and Saturn. We might even have an interstellar colony or two by then, if we don't nuke ourselves into the stone age before then anyways.

  3. Ballast tanks are what allow a submarine to submerge and surface. On the surface, these tanks are filled with air, giving the ship a positive buoyancy (it floats). When you want to submerge, you must flood the ballast tanks with water…this gives the ship a negative buoyancy (it sinks). from their, you can use the ships diving planes to control the ships angle of attack. These diving planes act as "wings" like on an airplane. When you wish to surface the ship, you must use compressed air stored above the stern and bow end ballast tanks to essentially pushout all the water and replace it with air, restoring the ships positive buoyancy. You may also use the diving planes in tandem with ballast tanks to increase diving/resurfacing speeds.

  4. Im like halfway through the video does he know he can put in the coordinates on that screen? Lol ๐Ÿ˜… nvm saw that he did know ๐Ÿ˜‚

  5. I wasn't screaming at you to use the oxygen tank, I was screaming at you to use the surface lol. So many times you were panicking for air when you could just surface ๐Ÿ˜‚

  6. I had mixed feelings with Subnautica. On one hand the overall gameplay and environment was great. But I hated the whole "telepathic" alien storyline thing. I don't think the actual scale of the leviathans was portrayed well. You couldn't tell how big some of them were really supposed to be. Maybe it was an FOV thing. I don't know how to explain it. Also I thought the Reaper leviathan looked really stupid so it wasn't really that scary IMO.

  7. Probably late, think of the bilge like the crawlspace of a house but on a boat or ship. It's where water and oils flow to and it helps collect it and reduces flooding

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