Are Game Reviews Being Manipulated?

A German YouTuber states that a third-party company had to give him the go-ahead on a review he made for the game, and he tried to put words in his mouth.


  1. sadly indie reviewers/youtube inflencers repeat the same thing pseudo game journalists did sure some still think they are being "honest" but they aren't they've been given the games for free and wether they admit it or not their tone changes with that fact a "bad" becomes a "not that bad" and this cumulates through the entire reviews not sure why people still watch "pro reviewers" be it in videogames or computer hardware because in the end their business isn't playing games or mounting PCs their business is creating media for clicks, wait for live streams possibly cut the audio to leave the image convince you rather than the streamer and read negative steam reviews, if a game mostly has "hardware problems" it means the rest is good and the question left is would you be impacted by those issues or not

  2. Is everyone being silly? This has been ongoing for years and companies get paid to leave good reviews

  3. A GAME is not defined by it's NARATIVE thats what movies are for.

    this is why elden RING is amazing because it dosn't need narative when it has RICH LORE
    and Star wars is kinda commie propaganda trying to make the Smugglers and scoudrells some how the good guys

    like turning your drug dealer in to your savior LOL

  4. Don't get me wrong I'm glad this is being covered by so many people, however did anyone take any review seriously over the last ten years or so when it came from somebody with early access? Games media and youtuber's have been selling out for what seems like forever at this point and I'd be shocked if anyone is surprised by this.

  5. I thought we settled this question a decade ago… as if it wasn't already obvious and almost had to be the case in any kind of access journalism or similar

  6. if you change your review to keep access, you are a fraud.

    In an old interview, Ebert (Siskel and Ebert) did mention that studios ask them to change their review and did threaten to remove access.
    Ebert said, we can afford the tickets and still do our reviews.

  7. man who*e theRadBrad has been pimping himself to game companies for decades, praising their games on his super popular youtube streams in exchange for free trips and VIP treatment. Its amazing how many people still follow that man who*e…

  8. (2:34)Β Best article ive read in a long time, "…For the Ass…" lol. πŸ˜πŸ“„πŸ‘πŸ˜†

    (0:14) I still like Star Wars, granted I know its not exactly in a good spot right now with all the drama thats been happening over the past couple of years. But there have been some stuff that me and my family have enjoyed recently like "The Mandalorian", "Rouge One", "The Bad Batch", "Ashoka", and while I didn't watch the show I heard nothing but great things about "Andor". Thats why I haven't been that upset like most people are, or given up on the series entirely. If a show like "The Acoltye" doesn't interest me or looks dumb then I'll just skip it and move on to something that might be cool (But thats just me). πŸͺβš”πŸ€”πŸ€·β€β™‚πŸŽ₯πŸ“Ί

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