Exoborne – Gameplay Trailer

It’s time to gear up, get in, and get out! The first gameplay trailer for Exoborne is finally here!

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  1. Oh great, and extract shooter, with hero shooter like abilities, and 3rd person (which isnt too bad but idkkk). Just what we've been asking for. Seriously tho can we not have a hero shooter for just one fucking year. I was interested in this game because it looked promising for a extract shooter. Welp back to hunt.
    Also btw, this isnt a gameplay trailer. If this was a gameplay trailer we would've seen at least things like the hud, gunplay, how a match plays out, etc.

  2. Bro the concept of “ heroes “ is the most sad af stuff . We just want to feel like a normal grunt

  3. Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare called.
    They wanted to let you know that you're 10 years late on this trend.

  4. Please dont make this game first person. You will lose any potential playerbase

  5. I dont think this is gameplay already have enough games were its gameplay that isnt even representing the final game. Alot of speculation i have for this until it comss out

  6. Game could be great and I will not buy it. They played a killzone 2 trailer on us. Remember the first trailer for this game? Looked millions years better than what is showed here. Keep your lies, I'm not buying your crap

  7. They really need to stop with these bullshit trailers. Loud explosions car crash script ass scenery. This isnt 2012 we all know bait when we see it. Showing the game isnt the same as showing gameplay. This shit smells like cash grab casino grabage.

  8. Oh my god! I never had a god in my life but now I can understand what’s mean having a god to believe! Thx for the game play, this look very Bangladeshi! My wife is sick and my sons are black meanwhile my neighbor is death and wanna money from my family, oh god what you have done help me at this number don’t search me my son is alpaca I wanna walk down the street but Mr muhadafar doesn’t want me he beat me with stick and bones and scream thank you so much love in this earth we are all brothers and sisterish

  9. Anthem
    First descendants
    The Division
    Exo primal

    When will they stop making these kinds of games?

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