NEW 18 Amazing Upcoming Action 2D METROIDVANIA Games 2024 & 2025 | PS5, XSX, PS4, XB1, PC, Switch

Top Upcoming Metroidvania games 2024 & 2025 – New Amazing 2D Upcoming Games 2025 – Best Upcoming Metroidvania Games 2025 & Beyond

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00:00 Dragon Is Dead
01:21 Eden’s Guardian
02:51 Moon Samurai
04:37 Trizna
06:00 Venture to the Vile
06:46 Somber Echoes
07:46 Legends Of Elementia
08:44 Gestalt: Steam & Cinder
09:40 Toziuha Night: Order of the Alchemists
10:46 Altered Alma
11:50 Embermane
13:25 Trophy Knight
14:24 Nine Sols
15:35 Visagens
16:53 Voidwrought
17:52 Mariachi Legends
19:02 Lightwood
20:22 Biomorph


  1. I was expecting a beautiful game like AfterImage. I won't hide the fact that in 2024 I really have a hard time with games with retro graphics…
    Somber Echoes looks good though, I'm waiting to see the game length, if it's not at least 25 hours I'll pass …

  2. Mariachi ๐Ÿ˜‚, just read it as is, don't change the a for e pronunciation, just like apple

  3. I appreciate the nostalgic charm of 8-bit artstyle games, but I feel like we've reached a point where there are too many of them flooding the scene. It's time for games to be more polished, like Hollow Knight, Nine Sols, etc. instead of giving low quality crappy detail imagery.

  4. 1. Ok, we'll follow
    2. too much estrogen
    3. a bit too hipstery but.. we'll see.
    4. Interesting. Digging that PS1 era CGI feel to the visuals . Animations are a bit meh. Still, noted.
    5. argh. Wes Anderson adulescent crap.
    6. Pass. Looks tame. Also out of all the greek mythologies and mythic warriors they had to chose a female, of course. You can keep your ESG trash.
    7. Looks…cool I guess? Not for me.
    8. another ESG shit
    9. same shit
    10. again
    11. and again
    12. hmm. Looks a bit ..dull? I'll still add it to my wishlist and see how it evolves.
    13. Chinese thematic? Not utterly fan o the art. Looks a bit like fan art.
    14. a Tad bit of Jojo, a clear influence from Shadows of the Damned (GREAT hidden gem , play it!), a bit messy in term of artistic direction, some bad graphics .. hmm. Not sure about this one.
    15. Same ugly shit as hollow knight lol
    16. Mexican mystic and mythos, nice pixel art. Great fucking art. Awesome! On my list!
    17. Not inspired by this one. Can still be good. We'll see along.
    18. Hate the visuals/art style.

    It's funny all those western games made at 99% by men (yeeeep, it's the reality) and they go for the literal "strong female protagonist". Nah, not even the attractive ones, like asian game company does. Just girl boss bullshit . For an audience that is 99% male (yeeep, candy crush doesn't count).
    I guess they (and the few gamers that like this shit) don't have enough masculinity in themselves to be able to project into a strong male character, in the contrary, they probably resent strong male(s) characters. They resent what they perceive to be infinitely more men than they are…. that is sad. But that's why we call them cucks.

  5. Why is that character teabagging when idle? People don't breathe like that and I hate seeing it.

  6. Glad to see a hand full of games with nice graphics. I'm really bored of the low res shitty "pixel art" style.

  7. Blasphemous and Last Faith are too good to compare with what is presented here.. And too much female protagonists, not playing those.

  8. 15:43 come on man is this amazing? Are you serious about that? Come on, please… you literally just throw out EVERY pseudo metroidvania out there, how this visagens is amazing man? Are you joking? This is pure intellectual dishonesty.

  9. what a creatively bankrupt industry this has turned into, literally every game is a rehash of these three games :Symphony of the night, hollow knight and dark souls, mix and match and you get any of these games

  10. Dragon is dead looks awesome!! only pc?? awe crap!! I never play on a pc..Switch please!!

  11. Just pretty much 100 percented nine sols. Made me feel like I was playing sekiro again with how you never really skate by on any boss. You either get your ass kicked or beat them without getting hit at all. 10/10

  12. Dragon is Dead and Eden's guardian look really good, wishlested these. Also, "Embermane" is spelled wrong, its "Emberbane"

  13. The Penitent One from Blasphemous wouldn't look out of place in some of the games featured here lol

  14. Lots of these look pretty good, especially the pixel and 2d art style ones. The "2.5" or polygon type games aren't that appealing.

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