New Mario Kart is a LAUNCH GAME for Nintendo Switch 2?!?

Mario Kart 9 taking poll position for the Nintendo Switch 2 launch? The latest leaks and news could be pointing towards just that!

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  1. Mario Kart 10 is 2026 .
    Animal Crossing is 2027.
    The launch switch 2 game is Mario 3d.
    The holiday 2025 game is Ocarana of Time 4k.

  2. A new Mario Kart for launch? Seems silly not to, its a family racing game, and one that has not had a major overhaul in years. Not saying I do not want a new 3d mario, but I think Mario Kart will have a longer lasting impact.

  3. They could do 2d metroid?…. and metroid prime 4 who cares if its not a system seller? Luigis manson was a launch title on gamecube…

  4. I think with the level of speculation and ease of just throwing out random “leaks” I could and should start my own Nintendo channel lol

  5. Could be especially if the new mk has been made to highlight new system features

  6. Let's separate two things: what I makes ME buy instantly the new system and what I THINK should be a better system seller overall.

    I'm a single player guy, so I would buy Switch ASAP with a new Zelda, New Metroid, new DK, and of course, New Mario. In fact, I would buy instantly if it come with Twilight Princess remastered.

    But knowing in not exactly a standard guy, I think Mario Kart (or AC, or Smash) should be a better move since them talks much better with a wider audience

  7. It’ll probably be a new 3d Mario game. The mass player base will still be playing MK8 and they just finished adding tracks.

  8. In the name of a successful transition I'd say a Mario kart game is the best option but I would personally love a new 3d Mario game only because I love single player games

  9. In all honesty, Mario Kart is great, but it wouldn’t really move the needle for me. What would move the needle for me would be either a 3D Mario, 3D Zelda, Metroid, or a really interesting RPG (eg the rumored Xenoblade Chronicles X remake/remaster or a port of FFVII Remake and Rebirth or a port of FFXVI) or horror game (Maybe a new exclusive Fatal Frame game, maybe Luigi’s Mansion 4).

    Mario Kart, while cool, would get me to wait. Partially because I’m also weird. Mostly because some of the people I would want to play with would probably be waiting too.

  10. I still don't think they need a console-seller per se if they upgrade all existing games free and continue to serve the existing install base concurrently. I expect this will be like a New 3DS scenario with one or two first party exclusives maybe but the difference now is lots if third party games will jump at the chance but not for both, unless Nintendo stipulate OG support. But still the timing is right for new 3D Mario and it will get people pumped, for guaranteed Switch Advance sales, along with exclusive NSO treatment.

  11. When it was stated Switch 2 would move to 2025 for better launch titles, I knew that basically meant Mario Kart. The next game was rumoured to be released in 2025 before the delays anyway.

  12. Honestly, I'm leaning more towards 3D Mario being the launch title. Wouldn't they have to set up the online servers for Mario Kart? Yeah, I think Mario Kart might not be the launch title.

  13. It would be a terrible idea to launch with mario kart and not mario 3d or donkey kong 3d. Come on now, that's not even a question. There is very little that can be truly fresh abot a mario kart game, while a 3d platformer in an open world presents unlimited possibilities.

  14. Its definitely a 3D mario game for launch, mario kart will be launched in the holidays

  15. That was speaking on the original switch 2 release date. They pushed it out a year to give them 6 months with extra time to get the flagship game done

  16. Really hoping the next Zelda installment isn’t some progressive little princess game like echoes of wisdom

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