Reading BAD God of War 3 Reviews

Welcome to today’s video where I read bad reviews about a God of War game. Today’s game is my favorite piece of media, the fantastic and satisfying God of War 3.
This one had the least bad reviews as it is a favorite for a lot of people.


  1. Aye boss. Hear me out. Play cyberpunk 2077 n make some funny ass content with that I knOOWW you’d love the atmosphere and music of that game and the way you edit shit n go from one topic to another would be catapulted by Night City cuz there’s always so much stuff in your face and happening around you I think you’d enjoy it a lot n would maybe bring in some new fans/new content. Just a thought I had in that sad part of ur vid. Love ya g keep doin you 🤙

  2. Idk man id say dmc's grab system is far better then gow's because theres no qtes and the game never puts a big old circle above an enemies head, you yourself have to figure out when its best to do it unlike gow where it just gets tiring after a wihle.

  3. "Have sex with men, Have sex with men, Have sex with men, Have sex with men, Have sex with men, Have sex with men, Have sex with men, Have sex with men, Have sex with men"

  4. Well that was an unexpected breakdown near the end. At this point i watch your vids for just your personality, i wouldn't click on a video with this theme if i didn't know it's from you, man. So no, it's not because you did some great stuff in the past, it's because that great stuff introduced you to me. You're a cool, funny and interesting guy, besides, who said you can't do even greater stuff in the future. Pls don't hate yourself or anything, i know where it comes from and i know how hard can it be to live with these feelings, you need to appreciate yourself more, because you really deserve this. And not because you did or didn't do something, just because you're a cool guy, that is enough. Believe me, believe us who love watching you just ranting about some weird shit even without those extreme gameplays on the screen, if you can't believe yourself. You deserve appreciation just because of who you are, as every other cool guy.

  5. I've played Blades of Time, it was a delusion. The game is not horrible, but mediocrity condensed on a disc. The combat isn't even the best part of it, the time puzzles are.
    There is a demo on the PS3 store if you are interested

  6. I have been saying for decades that you cannot properly judge a game's mechanics if you never played it on the highest difficulty or higher than normal at least. You will also not properly/decently learn to play a game which is it's own reward if a game has a good system. There can certainly be exceptions to this and this isn't the only way to experience a game, but I think that it is generally true.

  7. I love these videos lmfao. Currently replaying God of war 2 so I can show my 17byt old brother how awesome the older ones are. He's only played 3 and the first of the reboots.

  8. "Have sex with men" Yoooooo didn't know you were chill like that. Based battington lookalike 🗿

  9. Saying that God of War III on the hardest difficulty is a balanced experience is the most absurd lie of all time.

  10. I swear, if I hear anyone else say that God of War III is just button mashing because they were too scared to play the game past the Spartan difficulty, they are gonna get Poseidoned

  11. These reviews are trash lol
    These people either got stuck on a boss or puzzle then called the game trash or boring.
    There is no button mashing if you use all the weapons and abilities, honestly every game is somewhat button mashing and the quick time events I feel make it more immersive as I get to initiate and beat Gods to a pulp in a cutscene.

  12. Zesty was really feeling himself while making the video.

    Also, what are these people talking about, the tits of GOW3 alone make it an 8/10. On top of that you add the spectacle, the music, the epicness carry the experience to another 15/10. And then if you talk about the combat mechanics….

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