NEW Borderlands 4 Trailer! – Release Date + HUGE New Info!

The Official Borderlands 4 Teaser Trailer has just dropped during the Gamescom 2024 Event! This is HUGE news for fans of Looter Shooters! We’re going to be breaking down this Trailer and seeing what it reveals!

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New #borderlands video (not #destiny2 for a change!) going over the new Borderlands 4 Teaser Trailer coming out of Gamescom 2024! The Borderlands 4 release date was also revealed which is huge borderlands 4 news and its due to become one of the most anticipated games of 2025! Could Borderlands 4 get the Borderlands franchise back on track after Borderlands 3 and Tiny Tinas Wonderlands? And what does this new borderlands 4 trailer breakdown reveal! Can the Borderlands franchise recover after the Borderlands Movie Reviews?


  1. From what they did in Tiny tina wonderlands. I’m almost positive their doing create your character and then chose the type of skill tree you want and as you level up you get to add more skill trees. Somewhere in that relm.

  2. If they have a mission referencing everything that happened at bungie this year and making fun of Pete it will be the best game of 2025 in my opinion. I will straight up die at that point lol.

  3. invisible planet with sci-fi vibe infrastructure, sure tells me this is somewhat connected to what actually happened to the Eridians and where did they go after.

    I hope this is not another Halo Infinite story which adds more questions than solving the current questions, by introducing new alien faction, after a promising Ancient Human Tech reveal, basically a more hunt for more bread crumbs and easter eggs all over again.

    so like Halo fans wants to see the game devs revealing the fate of the Forerunner remnants, as a fan to the Bordelands franchise we need the Dev's to reveal the Eridians 1 form to another hopefully.

  4. I want the next villain in the franchise to be a Alexander the Great, Napoleon, Charlemagne, Ceaser, Trajann, Saladin esk character named General Unitatem Concordia (General “unity” “live in harmony” in Latin) or something along the lines of that. Someone who wants to unite the wastelands and bring peace and harmony to it.

    We come to blows with him and fight against him. But as we do, we come to learn of his backstory. As a child the warbands and vault hunters destroyed his home killed his parents and violated him and others before taking them as slaves. As a slave he worked up to be a general in the warlords army before killing and usurping him. Now he seeks to create a Pandora where people don’t have to live in fear that what happened to him will happen to them. Additionally he treats his underlining a well and as family. And despite being a tyrant he is very fair and benevolent for a warlord.

    Eventually we come to face him, and after seeing the kind of world he rules; a place where you don’t need to kill everyone you meet, we are given a choice… Join him and create a Pandora where true peace and harmony exists at the cost of what makes the planet “fun”, or fight and let Pandora remain a hell hole no sane person would ever want to live in.

    All you lose is anarchy type freedom the games are known for in exchange for lawful order if you join.
    If you resist, all the other factions immediately turn on each other to fill the power vacuum as the Generals last words are “Congratulations, you condemned us all forever” as this happens.

    Ultimately it comes down to this…
    -United Pandora, or Lawless wastelands.
    -Being ruled by planet wide military dictatorship vs local warlords.
    -A unified world free of psycho marauders vs a divided hellscape where you live in fear…
    -Lawless freedom or Peaceful tyranny.
    …Which is better?

    Now that I think of it, he wouldn’t be the villain, he’s straight up the good guy.

  5. Unlike B3 I won't be wishlisting, pre-ordering, or purchasing this on day 1. Or even day 365. Perhaps never. Because I want Gearbox to suffer financially as is deserved. To butcher an old saying like a typically unintelligent Republican president: "Fool me once, shame on . . . shame on you . . . eh, fool me–you can't get fooled again."

  6. Spoiler.. I worked at gearbox, the story is set in the back of bargain booze in Ellesmere Port, eridian delivery driver goes rouge with a Maggie. Stay tuned

  7. Terrible live action adaptations will not stop us. They only make us stronger. It's just a shame that they found a way to ruin a borderlands movie. Really!?!?

  8. Love Borderlands 1&2 but after the cringe in B3 with Ava no thanks. Im just waiting for then to announce working with SBI. You know its woke if they release a trailer showing absolutely nothing.

  9. I honestly loved borderlands 3 I don’t get the hate I think the story is great

  10. Get it man! You don’t have to be known for only Destiny 2!
    I got into this game type because of borderlands as well!

  11. Feels like this next installment is gonna focus on g3tting liltith back. Start off on Pandora and the others like 3, but u probably find out liltith is alive and the story then becomes getting to her on the alien homeworld. Don't see them going back to keeping us stuck on 1 planet after the success of 3.

  12. This is cool…."BL4" will be amazing….in already got my mind on the purchase on day one….

  13. When it releases I will do a play through and then leave it alone for about a month or two because I'm sick of devs nerfing the crap out of end game gear I've just spent a week farming for.

  14. He really said imma dig dipper in this 1 min teaser then in this then any destiny teaser!

  15. What do you think is the next question Games VK Super Villain 2 Borderlands:WHY EDUCATION? 😅🤫
    And the next question Cinema Eat Chance Zack Snyder Borderlands 0 or 01 🤔

  16. I realizing tha every Hardcore Destiny 2 YouTubers are seeking and checking other games to play.. and grind..😂😂😂.. My lady and I are doing the same😂😂 Lego( Fornite) got us so far.. probably stream Lego😂😂 until we find long term great game, like d2 since September 2014

  17. Or maybe the moon is tearing to a different dimension/multivers …something like Fortnite does.

  18. Its the watcher, the eridian text at the end got decoded the third is still being worked on but the first two translate to “he is watching” and “break free”

  19. I think they want to do away with bandits and devise a new fear element for the vault hunters. I hope, personally, I'm tired of the bandit element in the games.

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