Is REANIMAL Connected To Little Nightmares? Trailer Explained!

Welcome to my breakdown and analysis of all the things you might have missed in the REANIMAL trailer!

REANIMAL is the latest game developed by Tarsier studios, the developers of Little Nightmares and Little Nightmares 2!

Recently the trailer for REANIMAL was shown off at Gamescom. While this is a completely different series to Little Nightmares, I think the trailer shows that there are far more similarities than I was expecting.

In fact, the trailer hints that REANIMAL is the spiritual successor to little Nightmares, and some of the lost content from those games seem to have influenced REANIMAL quite a lot.

So join me as I offer my own thoughts and theories on the first trailer for REANIMAL!

#terichotheory #REANIMAL #Littlenightmares #secrets

My name is Tericho!

On this channel I investigate lore, secrets and hidden details in horror games! I make theories on are Little Nightmares, Poppy Playtime and more!

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  1. How has no one noticed that I wore my Pig t-shirt, specifically for this video, yet?

  2. We have both different things first one same series another studio second one another series same studio

  3. 11:37 uh did anyone see some of the stitching on the pig burst open and it's intestines start dangling out?
    also this game kinda gives off zoochosis vibes with these mutant animals loke in zoochosis
    Edit: 13:30 ok I see why

  4. It's funny to think Reanimal is reusing discarded ideas, given Little Nightmares itself was born from repurposed ideas for a canceled game called City of Metronome. Can only wonder if the next game they make after will callback to ideas that may be cut from Reanimal

  5. the guy on the bike reminds me of the guy in the wheelchair in very little nightmares

  6. What if reanimal is the prolouge of little nightmares as a whole. Some disease was messing up the animals and when people ate those animals it messed them up like how they were messed up. Thats why they were eating children because all the other meat is bad. Maybe only children are immune or something.

  7. One of my first thoughts while watching the trailer was how the dude dragging a body inside the cinema looks like one of the TV corrupted people from LN 2, and made my own head Cannon they are in the same universe, but in a very different location from LN 2 and LN 1
    Edit: upon further inspection of the trailer the dude dragging the body has a face, unlike the TV people. But i still head cannon it as being in the same universe

  8. Gonna get this game after watching the trailer then this. I have no idea wtf any of this is about so can someone please explain the 5 faces that can be made out at 5:03?

  9. 10:10 you know what this big table reminds me…. alice in wonderland tea party with the mad hatter and other characters

  10. What i’ve heard of Reanimal the children are technically in hell, and they are meeting creatures based on their trauma. So this could mean that outside hell they live in a world just like Little Nightmares.

  11. That spider monster doesnt make me see a soot spirit, it reminds me of no face when he gets all hungry and tries to get Chihiro.

  12. How did you find all these connections in the LN games?! Did you redo them over and over again to find out everything? I'm impressed, I never noticed the ham leg and even less the rabbit face…
    Anyway, great vidéo ! Congratulations and thanks from France ! 🇨🇵💯😁

  13. Thanks for sharing can't wait for this one will definitely stream this one 👌

  14. ReAnimal looks like a very good game, but it is not Little Nightmares. I wish it was connected, it does look perfect for the Nowhere, and it's sad to see them move on from such a magical series. ReAnimal also has amazing, cinematic scenery that I wish could be a part of LN.

  15. The guy looks like the dude that kidnap kids in little nightmares what's the dude's name again

  16. Abel Sacrificed a lamb
    Abel was a sibling
    Abel died
    …ReAnimal…if one of those siblings die i swear

  17. I could test Booth games demos at Gamescom. Little nightmares 3 looked like they just took the city from little nightmare 2 and put new "adults" in it and changed it to a desert…
    Reanimal had those chase scenes from little nightmare 1 & 2.

    Yes Booth games are not finished and I saw just a bit (puzzle vs chase scene) but I had a better feeling in reanimal

    Edit: children in reanimal are also enemies 😀

  18. I think those are not kids, they look more like teenagers due to the more taller bodies they have compared to the Little Nightmares protagonists.

    I'd love them to be teens cause that would mean the protagonists have matured along with the games, giving us a more "adult" kind of experience.
    I'm really eager to see this new game and I really hope this dethrones Little Nightmares as my favourite horror game

  19. the creature is not a soot creature it looks more inspired by no faces second form in the bath house segment

  20. Heres my theory, maybe if you die in this place, you get turned into a monster like creature, like the human enemies died and turned into monster, same for the animals

  21. Honestly I’m excited for both games, especially since both games look like they will have co-op in them. My fiancée and I loved Little Nightmares 1 and 2. We took turns in game who was in the “drivers seat”. My fiancée played through the first Little Nightmares, while I played through the second game (I don’t remember which of us played through the first game’s DLC). So I think it will be an awesome full circle moment when these games come out and we can play them together.

  22. Saying before viewing. God I hope so, I can not tell you how much I’ve wanted to know what happens with six after the maw of just a few mire answers about the world, I k ow mystery is the key but damn 50% of these games in unsolved mystery if this one even as a Easter egg gives me an answer to my first thing I’m happy

  23. spoiler it is not connected…
    Tarsier Studios litteraly posted before the trailer that it is a "new world" not in the little nightmares universe

  24. Sorry I know people are saying it but this looks so, so, so much better than LN3. I'll play both but my goodness they seem to be turning the twisted vibes up to 11

  25. tbh i think the rope around the mc with the bag is symbolic for the animals that are put into bags and drowned in waters (kittens and dogs f.e.). Would also make sense considering water is such an important part in the game.

  26. …prey becoming predator…which means..Mono was the prey and in the end of little nightmares Mono was the predator

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