Marvel Rivals | Stars Aligned – Official Launch Date Announcement Trailer

The Intergalactic Empire of Wakanda is in danger! Captain America leaps into action against his age-old rival: The Winter Soldier. Assemble and answer the call, players!

Marvel Rivals officially launches on December 6, 2024! All heroes will be unlocked and free-to-play at launch and beyond!

Ignite the battle!

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  1. For those saying the Cap voice is dull, that's Brian Bloom, the VA who voiced Cap in The Earth's Mightiest Heroes cartoon from back in the day as well as having voiced Cap in UMVC3.

    Dunno why ya'll think he sounds dull. Sounds the same as he ever has.

  2. There is sooooooooo much freaking potential for this game I hope and 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽 they do they best to deliver this game

  3. Fun fact: Captain America is voiced by Brian Bloom, who voiced as this same character from Avengers EMH. In fact, the last time he voiced as Cap was from Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3.

  4. Mannnn has anyone who played had a maximum pulse moment? I did using Dr strange and my team was holding down the fort and iron man was in the air occupied trynna take shots at me. I heard that maximum pulse as it shot my team all next to me fighting others and I had to put up that strange shield taking the blast. Caught it on screen record…. Epic

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