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  1. Professor aposentado: Concordo com o valor de Verdade-Compaixão-Tolerância

    Henry Peters, professor aposentado do ensino fundamental, assinou uma petição há alguns meses em um estande na Praça Dam, em Amsterdã. Quando ele viu o estande novamente em Utrecht, ele voltou para mostrar seu apoio.

    Henry Peters, um professor aposentado de escola primária, apoia os praticantes do Falun Gong

    O Sr. Peters disse: “O cultivo é pacífico, por isso quero apoiá-lo” Ele acrescentou: “Acho que você deve expressar qualquer ideia ou opinião livremente, especialmente se for pacífica. Isso não deveria ser reprimido, mas num país como a China, as pessoas costumam ser reprimidas”.

    O Sr. Peters acredita que é chocante que pessoas que defendem esses valores na China estejam sendo mortas e tenham seus órgãos extraídos enquanto ainda estão vivas.

    “Quando se trata de extração de órgãos de alguém que ainda está vivo, só posso dizer que estou chocado!” Ele continuou: “Eu posso entender isso se uma pessoa quiser doar órgãos após a morte, mas o roubo de órgãos, matar… É uma loucura!”

    Falando sobre os princípios Verdade-Compaixão-Tolerância do Falun Dafa, o Sr. Peters, que nasceu numa família católica, disse: “Eu me identifico com esses valores”.

  2. Lewandowski es el mejor del equipo 🧠🪄 Es un goleador nato debería ser más reconocido.

  3. y querian decir que Thibaut Courtois

    era el mejor del mundo , el dibu martines mucho mejor !!

  4. News Weekly: “Stain on the World”

    Australian magazine News Weekly published an article on June 19 written by Patrick J. Byrne, immediate past National President of the National Civic Council (NCC). Citing David Matas’ work, the article said China’s industrialized mass killing of prisoners of conscience to harvest their organs for profit is “a spreading stain on the world.”

    According to Matas’ investigations, China’s organ harvesting expanded after Falun Gong practitioners began silently protesting at Tiananmen Square in 1999. “As these practitioners do not smoke or drink alcohol, they provided clean organs for transplant compared with others in Chinese prisons, where hepatitis is rife,” he explained.

    As the availability of Falun Gong prisoners declined, new groups have been targeted for organ harvesting – Tibetans, Uyghurs and other Xinjiang/East Turkestan minorities, and House Christians, he added.

    “Based on the advertised price of organs, this industry, heavily managed by the Chinese military, is estimated to earn about $US8.9 billion annually, mostly from foreigners coming from South Korea, Japan, Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Egypt,” the article stated. Matas’ team has amassed a vast database of evidence on the industry, although gathering this evidence was not easy.

    The article continued, “The mass killing of prisoners of conscience for their organs does not have the same visibility as many other wrongs. The victims cannot speak. Their bodies, cremated, cannot be autopsied.” According to Matas, “The crimes occur in settings – detention centres and hospitals – where there are no bystanders, only perpetrators and victims. The few whistleblowers mostly do not want to make public statements both because of the risk to themselves and their families and the wish to avoid admitting publicly their own guilt. Chinese hospital, prison and detention records are not publicly available.”

    The CCP engages in systematic cover-up, closing down data streams once cited, and denying all evidence of the abuse, even evidence which comes from their own records, Matas explained. They fabricate contrary evidence, which is easy enough to see through with diligence, but can be deceptive for the unwary, he added.

    Matas’s team interviewed people who have been to China for transplants. They said that appointments can be made for transplants of vital organs – liver, lung and heart – at fixed times or on days’ or weeks’ notice. But in other places in the world, waiting times are months and years. That means that “someone is being killed for that transplant,” he said.

    Human rights attorney David Matas calls on the Australian legislature to expose the CCP’s forced organ harvesting during a press conference in front the Australian Parliament Building.

    “China is the largest transplant country in the world. Yet, until 2010, it had no deceased organ donation system. That system produces only a tiny number of donations even today. So, what can be done to counter this 20th-century horror?” the article reported. A 2015 Council of Europe Convention against Trafficking in Human Organs mandates state parties to prohibit complicity by nationals or permanent residents in transplant abuse abroad. Fifteen states have so far ratified the Convention.

    “Separately, Israel, Taiwan, Italy, South Korea, Britain and Canada have legislated against extraterritorial complicity in organ-transplant abuse. The U.S. Congress has prepared a bill [Editor’s note: the Falun Gong Protection Act] requiring revocation of passports of those complicit in forced organ harvesting, reports on that complicity, and sanctions on the complicit,” stated the report.

    In addressing transplant tourism, Matas said that there should be mandatory reporting by health practitioners to health administrators of organ transplants, just as there is for reporting incompetence and sexual abuse, child abuse, incapacity, communicable diseases, and so on. Health practitioners are able to identify organ-transplant tourists because they require ongoing anti-rejection drugs.

    Citing Matas, the report concluded, “While there is a wealth of human-rights violations around the world, it is hard to match China’s mass killing of innocents, of prisoners of conscience, for their organs.”

    News Weekly is published by the National Civic Council (NCC), a grassroots organization in Australia with over 80 years of history that aims to restore traditional values.

  5. ) The religious liberty and human rights magazine Bitter Winter published an article on October 4, 2023, titled “NGOs at the UN Against Organ Harvesting, While Falun Gong Asks Italy to Save Lives.”

    Authored by Marco Respinti, the article reported that two ECOSOC-accredited NGOs published a joint statement at the 54th session of the UN Human Rights Council between September 11 and October 13, 2023, condemning the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)’s organ harvesting crimes targeting Falun Gong practitioners.

    According to the report, the statement by the two NGOs, the Coordination des Associations et des Particuliers pour la Liberté de Conscience (CAP-LC) and the Romanian Independent Society of Human Rights (RISHR), were supported by a wealth of other organizations, including Alianza Iberoamérica Europea Contra el Comunismo (AIECC), China Watch UK, Doctors Against Forced Organ Harvesting (DAFOH), Forum for Religious Freedom Europe (FOREF), the Gerard Noodt Foundation for Freedom of Religion or Belief, the International Society for Human Rights and its branch in Sweden, the International Council for Diplomacy and Dialogue (ICDD), the Korean Association for Ethical Organ Transplants (KAEOT), NPO Transplant Tourism Research Association, the Taiwan Association for International Care of Organ Transplants (TAICOT), and the Rotary Satellite Club of Ending Forced Organ Harvesting.

    The statement was drafted based on reports by three leading investigators on the forced organ harvesting crime, including David Kilgour (1941–2022), David Matas and Ethan Gutmann, as well as the final judgement of the “China Tribunal.”

    According to Bitter Winter, the statement raised several requests to the UN and its associated agencies, including 1) “call upon the WHO [World Health Organization] that the One Health agenda has to include a verification of the end to forced organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners in China”; 2) “call upon the UN Secretary General to initiate a fact-finding mission of forced organ harvesting in China via independent, international, unannounced inspections”; and 3) “call upon the UN Secretary General to inform all 193 member states of the United Nations about China’s persecution of Falun Gong and its unethical forced organ harvesting practice.”

    As this year marks the 75th anniversary of the United Nation’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights and China is a member of the UN Human Rights Council, it should “immediately abide by the guiding principles of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights and end the practice of forced organ harvesting of Falun Gong practitioners and any other prisoners of conscience,” said the statement.

    The statement noted that several countries, including Israel, Canada, and the United States, “have initiated or passed legally binding legislations that aim to stop or prevent forced organ harvesting of prisoners in China.” Two examples were the House Resolution 343 passed by the U.S. Congress in 2016 and Written Declaration 48 by the European Parliament also in 2016. Also cited in the statement were the more than 3 million signatures collected by Doctors Against Forced Organ Harvesting in over 50 countries and a statement by 12 Special Rapporteurs to the UN in 2021.

    The statement also said that the CCP’s decades of “state-sanctioned, forced organ harvesting of living people” should be indicted as “crimes against humanity,” making “the persecution of Falun Gong by the Chinese government […] one of the most investigated, yet largely ignored persecution of a spiritual-religious group in the 21st century.”

    In addition to the joint-statement, a third NGO, Global Human Rights Defence (GHRD), submitted a separate statement to the UN Human Rights Council on May 26, 2023, according to Bitter Winter.

    The GHRD statement said, “Too often, the government of the PRC has eluded questions and mocked reports as being mere fantasy. Unfortunately, these reports reflect reality. It is urgent that independent, bipartisan, non-confessional, and non-political investigations are carried out in the PRC to establish the truth. Official statistics produced by the PRC have been questioned by experts many times; it is time to discuss them openly and publicly with international experts. Numbers must be verified, practices must be verified, criminals must be indicted. Forced organ harvesting is a disgrace that the world must not overlook any longer.”

    The Bitter Winter article also gave an example of the stories of two Falun Gong practitioners, Ms. Ma Xiuyun and Mr. Tang Pingshun, parents of another Falun Gong practitioner currently residing in Italy.

    On August 15, 2023, Katerina Angelakopoulou, President of the Italian Falun Dafa Association, wrote to the head of the Italian government and several ministers. She pleaded: “We turn to you asking for your support toward their release, conveying to the Chinese authorities the respect Italy has for human rights and asking them to stop the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners, a crime against humanity that cannot be accepted by any democratic country like ours.”

    Now, 17 years after the forced organ harvesting was first reported, the crime is still going on in China. While Falun Gong practitioners remain the main target, this practice has been extended to other groups such as Tibetans and Uyghurs. “While the reality of organ predation in the PRC gains growing attention on different media outlets, the victims of these monstrosity are not theoretical. They are real people in flesh and blood.” wrote the Bitter Winter report.

  6. Barcelona is full of talents, imagine the team is limited from buying players but their academy is better than teams that buy players 😂😂we are not scared of people who are not talented but hyped

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