Enotria: The Last Song – Gamescom 2024 Trailer

”A thousand words and tales worn as medals avail naught for a hero self-proclaimed.”

Watch the new Gamescom 2024 trailer for the upcoming Souls-like title Enotria: The Last Song and become the Mask of Change when the game launches on September 19.

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  1. i kinda dislike how he blocks and parries with his arm instead of the weapon

  2. Man this game makes me sad. It looks phenomenal, is very original art-wise for a soulslike, has an intriguing story and class system, basically everything for a 9+ grade. And then there's the combat. And it still looks exactly the same as in the demo. And that just nullifies everything else 🙁 I hope I'm wrong and they've done some polishing, but man, it doesn't look like it.

  3. As italian i can say that it really feels like ancient Italy…the olives trees, all the structures and everithing is absolutely beautiful, the only thing off is that we don't have Sekiro here, he is from Japan and we are not parry masters, we are pizza masters 😅😂😂

  4. Forza Boyz che la demo mi è piaciuta un sacco, non ascoltate sti Broken in da ass che parlano a vanvera (e voi la vanvera dovreste metterla come boss finale) ..
    Un abbraccione

  5. I've tried the demo, loved it, some aspects are to be fixed but overall it's one of the game I'm anticipating the most !
    Good job guys

  6. Such an awesome setup, and then it's just a souls-like. Meh. 🙁 The genre has just been flooded too much IMO, hard to get excited about most "standard" clones nowadays.

  7. I hope the clunkiness of the demo has been ironed out and the game is more fluid now. Looking good but gameplay fluidity is super important on these games

  8. The gameplay is not satisfying animations and blood effects not what i expected

  9. Perfavore mettete la colonna sonora principale nel menu, non è il massimo non sentire nulla .. sia i lavori di From, bluepoint e 17team con Thymesia hanno tutte la colonna sonora nel menu

  10. Another woman with manly body. Oh, the West needs to start making women beautiful again, or else Korea is going to take all revenue. Men don't want to play as ugly woman hell even woman don't want to play ugly woman. A video game is fantasy, not reality. Last thing is I hope SBI is not connected to this game.

  11. The demo for me is amazing, I love the mechanics, the ambiance, music and all. Pre-ordered already I cannot wait any longer ahaha 😆😅

  12. OMG! So much hype! 🤩
    The combat and the animation look improved to what we saw in the previous trailers and in the demo. Roll on 19th Sep!!!

  13. This game has evewrything it needs to be a masterpiece…
    … and the animations of Dark Souls 2.

    Jyamma Games, please, just… just make it a bit more fluid, and then it's perfect.

  14. the atmosphere here is top notch! It really feels like ancient Italy. Can't wait for the full release.

  15. I can't wait, this game looks amazing and I've been following it since the beginning! Just a slight criticism – 90% of animations and combat moves look amazing and very impactful, like parrying is FromSoft-Tier for example, but that "axe" attack at 0:33 looks busted 😂. I hope you can see what I mean. I know there is still time until release and there will be more polish to and bug fixes to come, so hopefully this is the next Lies of P/Lords of the Fallen. Keep it up guys!

  16. The demo was hella fun, I hope they made fighting more enemies at once more functional though. And that its more polished. This game can be something really special if it goes well, im so excited!

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