Some reviews are complaining about the difficulty of Elden Ring’s DLC.. #gaming

The Elden Ring DLC’s difficulty is negatively affecting some reviews.. #eldenring #shadowoftheerdtree #eldenringdlc #fromsoftware

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#gaming #LukeStephens #ps5 #xbox


  1. I wish that we could get reviews sans "difficulty". There are plenty of legit criticisms for the dlc outside of difficulty, but everyone is so caught up with things being either too hard or too easy that nothing with any substance gets talked about

  2. I think those kind of reviews are fine, even from professional critics, because "it's too hard to be fun for me" is a valid opinion. The DLC is very hard and it will not appeal to everyone, critics included. There are plenty of Steam reviewers, who found the challenge in the DLC not fun, and that kind of review reflects this type of opinion. The video game media shouldn't purely exist to mirror my own opinion back at me, and that many demand it should, shows a general lack of perspective on what reviews are. As long as I understand why a reviewer might have disliked something, and I can see if this would apply to me or not, I still can make an informed purchase decision for myself.

  3. It’s ridiculous to say for this dlc when there is literally a mechanic built in to make it easier if you want/need too. Just use the scudtree things and revival spirit ashes if things are getting too tough for you.

  4. Reviewers should be all sorts of different skill levels. General audience game reviewers like this shouldn't be expected to be God gamers because the they will review everything as easy. If a game is legitimately really hard for normal folk then a person of equivalent skill should review it and say it was too hard for them to finish.

  5. The problem wasn’t that she thought the game was too hard, it was that she gave it a mid score for being too hard. She should’ve realised that this is what these games are supposed to be about

  6. It is at this point that you realize that this exact discussion is literally as old as the Souls-like genre.
    The whole original point of the "git gud" meme was to say that there is no "secret ingredient" and that the best way to beat these games is through persistence and improvement of your own execution.

  7. Reminds me when IGN complained that in the suicide squad game, the flash boss fight was hard bc he was “too fast” 😑

  8. The community messages too. Majority of the time 30 percent are troll or joke messages. So many of them are telling you if that wall is actually fake or if theres an ambush

  9. Nah, Dude! Games aren’t their job. Being political propagandists is their job.

  10. I start playing the dlc today I spend like 3 hours on the first spirit boss you can fight that one shot or 2 hit kill me but still think the dlc so far is great the weapons I got look sicks as hell and aside from the bosses don’t feel anything different on difficulty as on any other souls game ( note I spend 1 whole month on ds3 dragon slayer armor because I was ass in this game )

  11. DLC is actually too easy for my standards. How long did it take you to kill Margit? I killed all the Bosses in the DLC together faster than i beat Margit alone.

  12. The complaints are not about the difficulty. That’s really just a copout. The game is shallow is shit and it’s not a great open world game as people make it seem especially if you have experience and other open world games that actually have amazing content.

  13. Yeah, you have to be able to perform the mechanics successfully, in order to deserve reviewing a game.

  14. The dlc is difficult yes. But if I can beat it, anyone can. I am bad at these games and I did it. I used every broken weapon, cheese, and summon I could to do it, but I did it😂

  15. These games aren't impossible. They give you AI summons that can allow you to gang the boss if you need help. Its hard but not that hard.

  16. Legit get 2 shot by every boss. And i am having the best time 😂 I am too stubborn to summon or use fingerprint shield.

  17. Reviewers should have to apply for a video game review license by beating a notoriously diffcult game. Criticism being boiled down to "i cant finish this in 3 days so it sucks" just goes to show that these reviewers are more interested in being the first review up than being a reasonable assessment of the poduct.

  18. Because they lack critical thinking, leading them to write based on their own feelings or parroting others.

  19. Remember the loser reviewer that reviews doom eternal and couldn’t do the jumping or some shit and posted a bad review …. Once again why no one should take anyone’s single opinion as fact you should take a a few or bunch. Btw I have filmed my 7 yr old fighting and beating bosses in base game and dlc so git gud

  20. That's a weird take tbh. Like why would most reviewers be geared towards the smallest amount of players. There's no problem with the take at all and it's ridiculous to insist that all reviewers be God gamers. That's the segment most disconnected from the gaming community at large

  21. i feel like some of the problem might be the main story is like 3 bosses so these reviewers dont care to explore the 95% of the map that is optional and then get mad mesmer one shot them at scadtree level 2

  22. I don't understand just why it's such a cardinal sin to say that the DLC is tough. We're not saying that it's bad, it's just tough. I'm sorry that not everyone has 6 hours to spend on each boss when people get to play only an hour a day max. Still a great DLC.

  23. eurogamer and kotaku aren't gaming outlets, but activists. Activists don't play games. I suck at soulsgames and I beat it pre patch by trying, cheesing and being patient. If I did it, "pro gamers" from media journalism should have a walk in it. But is easier to spread propaganda than to finish games.

  24. Honestly, the only thing i really hate about the dlc is that the new leveling system is tied to items that you find by exploration. The first time is absolutely no issue, but i already know by the time i do my third or fourth run, it's gonna feel tedious to run around picking things up. Luckily, the vast majority of the fragments can be found while on your way in between bosses, which is good.

  25. And lets remember these review sites let reviewers choose what kinds of games they prefer. If someone likes Souls games, they'll be chosen review one. They're not gonna pick a souls noob to review a souls game.

    So either these people just rushed through it or they suck.

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