We Harvest Shadows – Exclusive Extended Reveal Trailer | gamescom 2024

Watch this exclusive We Harvest Shadows extended reveal trailer for a look at the unsettling world, gameplay, and a peek at the nightmare that awaits you in this upcoming first-person farming horror allegory game. We Harvest Shadows will be available on PC, and a demo is out now on Steam. You can learn more about We Harvest Shadows on Steam if you’re interested:


  1. So there are no other humans but still he uses money. Does he buy the tools from himself like a madman?

  2. Never have to talk to another person ever again in this post-apocalyptic game… Yet, somehow, money is still the focus? Lol

  3. The money element doesn't make sense if you're not interacting with people. Maybe do time spent vs money.

  4. Gave me shivers! Cant wait for the demo! Tonights gonna be a bone chiller!

  5. “From the creators of ‘The First Tree’” Oh, of course! Now you have us all enthralled…

  6. Finally, a contestant for best farming horror allegory other than the Nintendo farming direct.

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