Xbox News: Microsoft Gaming Takeover?

The latest Xbox news is that it may become Microsoft gaming and potentially be Xbox in name only. Phil Spencer has been quiet and the Sarah Bond Bloomberg interview is pointing to a very different future. I just did a video this morning claiming that Microsoft killed Xbox and this is the live discussion after.

Reforge Gaming is a live talk show hosted by Lono covering the hottest and newest topics in variety gaming news with unmatched interaction, live event coverage and question and answer segments. It is a live gaming podcast, weekdays @9:00 AM EST

#xbox #gamepass #gaming

80STEES – Code LONO –


  1. Hahah creature running the channel. He would ban half the subs within the first hour

  2. Hi, my name is Sony, and I secretly hired a bunch of employees to be hired by Microsoft so they wouldn't work as hard as they do on games for Sony. Oh my God, Microsoft found out now, they fired all the Sony undercover employees.

  3. This all sounds great about a change of strategy but It's a shame nobody told Sarah Bond, she stated to Bloomberg that multi plat titles are still a case by case basis….a disconnect from the man in charge….

  4. EDIT: Appreciate the impassioned debate with Ginger – we need more of the honesty you bring.

    Right or wrong, I believe you believe what you’re saying 🤝💡

  5. Phil had 10 years to make Xbox a success, 10 years and a trillion dollars later MS takes over as the result he promised failed. It is all on Phil that MS is cleaning house.

  6. I remember first playing xbox it was fun. Now they lost their way it seems. Its not hard Microsoft just to make fun awesome exclusive games. I play PlayStation but i want to see good competition. I was looking forward to fable. I would of bought an xbox for that. It needs a big open world with lots of outfits. Fun story and more. Its not hard with a game like that to be awesome! I want to see Microsoft thrive. Good Competition makes everyone try to do better.

  7. I hate how Phil fanboys are blame shifting over to Microsoft trying to whiteknight Phil to death. The truth is Phil sold Satya a bill of goods, and conned Satya with the idea of always online subscription Gamepass, Zenimax, ABK, then promptly failed with every endeavor!!! Satya ofc has to step in and do what he can, after Phil blew up everything snd lied and conned everyone, even corrupting US senators. But the blame squarely lies on Phil for selling the horrid ideas in the first place. Satya even if he did close Tango and Arkane…THAT was AFTER the fact of Phil killing Xbox FIRST. Phil is absolutely to blame.

    And as far as Phil lies, I’m admittedly paraphrasing but all these lies were perpetuated under his reign:
    “Cloud physics in crackdown 3”
    “Cancelling Scalebound is good for gamers.”
    “I’m more excited for the games we didn’t show”
    “Wait for E3”
    “Game each quarter”
    “Good games don’t matter.”
    “Halo infinite will be 10 year game.”
    “Most powerful console.”
    “Platinum devs had mental breakdowns”
    Etc. etc. so many lies can’t keep up.

  8. Lono, it would be great if you did a podcast with Puertorock77 regarding this latest news. 😃👍🏿

  9. That interview was a bad idea for them. Smartest move would have been a statement about studios not being profitable enough.

  10. I guarantee you the guy complaining about games not looking better than RDR2, simply doesn't have a TV that can take advantage of the features of the PS5.

    He's probably gaming on an old 32in 720p set at best, so of course he doesn't see much of a difference

  11. I hate how Xbox created toxicity between gamers.
    I'll be 40 this year, and I've been gaming my whole life.
    Back in the day we'd swap our Segas for our friends super Nintendo for the weekend. It was just all about the games.
    I never experienced anything toxic until I was at work one day talking to my buddy about my new shiny PS3 I just bought, and another coworker went out of his way to come over and tell me how bad PlayStation sucked, HD DVD was superior, and Xbox was better.
    I didn't know what to say to the guy

  12. I wonder what will happen to Project Mara? Is that also owned by Microsoft or because they didn’t make it yet it might be able to be made if these devs open shop somewhere else?

  13. they can keep their woke garbage and they can keep their new group they have partnered with im out …..i have a big enough game library to never see woke garbage for the rest of my time on this planet ….later i guess seeing what disney has went through isn't a good enough indication to stay out of my business.

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