Rooster Fighter – Official Trailer | Comic Con 2024

The beloved manga Rooster Fighter is finally becoming an anime! The series follows Kenji, a mutant rooster with superhuman strength who defends the world from giant monsters called “Demons.” The comedic take on the Japanese web series is currently in production and will soon bring its unique blend of action, humor, and heart to Adult Swim.

#IGN #Anime #SDCC


  1. Too many lights and flashing to actually like this unfortunately- but there’s something there with the idea of this though.

  2. KFC -Chikenaro… Kisama da … !!

    Chiken -Yaroo… Colonelu Sandersu !!

    KFC-OHHH Mukatte kuru no ka …

    Chicken – Kokekokokokokokokokokoko !!!!
    KFC -Breading Breading Breading Breading !!
    THE FRYER That boiling oil !!!
    Street Food Truck !!!!

  3. you don't need entities for humans to run rampant and eat chickens…that is what kfc is for

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