Helldivers 2 – Devs Admit Problems, New Patch & Reviews Sink Again!

Hey, let’s talk Helldivers 2 News & Latest Update! Arrowhead Were on Time Constraints, Patrol Spawn Patch, Reviews Are Sinking, Performance Issues, Terminid & Automatons.

0:00 Intro
0:24 Patrol Spawn News
2:44 They Admitted to Deadlines
4:55 Did the Devs Lie About Game Guard Performance Issues
5:44 New Patch Has Arrived But It’s Okay
6:28 Anti Cheat Is Practically Useless
9:26 DSync Issues Can Be Resolved
10:19 The Reviews Continue to Sink
11:13 R.I.P. To Arrowhead Employee
12:07 Railgun is still Amazing & Here’s Why
12:50 Stratagem Alternatives
13:38 Tell Me Your Thoughts On This
14:02 Top 3 Comments


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🎮 What’s this game? The Devs Wrote ”
HELLDIVERS™ 2 is a 3rd person squad-based shooter that sees the elite forces of the Helldivers battling to win an…


  1. Let's be honest here. At least with ourselves.
    AH got TONS OF MONEY on launch, more than they could ever hope for and dropped the ball on the game

    Just let's be real, ok?

  2. I play on a 3050 and I know it’s not a really powerful card but I can run games well, but in this game the more I play the more my fps go down

  3. I'm surprised no-one brought this up, but the setting regarding 'remember ADS per weapon' is bugged and will default first person ADS with all weapons.

  4. Gunships go down in 2 Autocannon shots. Also it seems that 90% of divers forgot the AC exists and it's still THE BEST weapon stratagem.

  5. I find it funny how the thing making the game bad, worse than any nerf or crash not fixed, is the griefers. In a sense, this channel feeding the trolls is actively working to make the game bad for anyone who is not terminally online.

  6. Anit cheat is stupid when u can play the game by yourself if u dont want cheaters are with friends duh no need for anit cheats

  7. It's kinda cool how Arrowhead actually cares about their developers and respecting their vacation over a bunch of entitled players whining. This is how they made such a great game, and this is how they will keep their sanity as they continue to update. I find it funny how the thing making the game bad, worse than any nerf or crash not fixed, is the griefers.

  8. I sadly don’t have a video of my charger situation, but I was playing diff 10, we were assaulting a heavy nest, and inside were like 12 chargers, luckily a 380 and orbital EMS took care of that

  9. Multiple chargers ain’t a big deal just lower cooldown for quasar so I can shot just a couple seconds more often

  10. Vs bots I run eagle airstrike, 500kg, 110mm rockets, and laser cannon. Good ol laser cannon nothing beats that.

  11. I think a lot of their problems come from either lazy or inept development.
    For example, if they were to fix the bug that makes you ragdoll just by landing on some surfaces, triggered easily by diving onto the base of a hellpod, they would not be able to do so without completely removing this as a funny gameplay feature that makes sense in some situations. They'd fix the bug by removing the feature entirely. Whereas a skilled developer might be able to do so.
    All of their decisions are brash and hasty like this and they always create problems alongside their supposed fixes. I am happy that I don't play it anymore, and haven't since I got to 140, a week into the new update the game is just unplayable.

  12. I swear they have been on vacation since the game released. So glad I deleted it. Unfortunately I still get YouTube video recommendations

  13. I find the realism argument the Devs use to be very understandable, you know. In a game where we fight giant bugs and robots, who wouldn't want the guns to react realistically. I mean, sending 4 soldiers into a warzone against entire armies? How much more realism could you add?

  14. oh yeah its normal for the game to be full of heavies in less than min I'm dealing with 6 behemoths 2 regular chargers and 3 spore chargers not including seeing 4 or more titans on the field not including this fuking impaler thing. its to the point that when I play my load out is quaser cannon, shield backpack EAT and commando msllx4 so I'm running 2 expendable anti tank missiles on a short cd plus the quaser just to attempt to tame the bullshit on 7 and higher difficulties. Without running every anti tank weapon at once you'd lose the game 24/7

  15. And none of this would matter if we had very powerful weapons the counteract all of these things with no nerfs and plenty of ammo

  16. the whole randomly spawning patrol / ambient spawn thing with all these different factors based on the timer and how many bases are destroyed, is a very whacky and weird way to do it that's making so many problems.

    I love the idea of enemies only coming from off map reinforcements called by others, and spawning from the bases factories and nests. Only. And in terms of how they find you and attack you on the map, perhaps you have a threat level. Bugs could track you by scent and go to where you were last. Bots forming regiments and ordering the alert about us. However it's done, they spawn from the same place, and destroying that place – stops the spawns.

    The whole feeling of urgency when you see a stalker, and everyone beelines it to get to the nest – Arrowhead are completely missing out on applying this same excitement to the whole game experience.

  17. im having a glitch where i stop running randomly and there is an invisible wall that i can run left and right but not forward until i let off and run again.. if u think superhelldive was bad u should try it with a random wall infront of u that u can shoot and die as well or just stop in the mid of running from a pack of hunters 🙁

  18. They still haven't properly aligned the scopes on weapons. How many months in is it?

    They are never going to actually fix this game, and people need to stop believing that they will.

  19. None of this surprises me. A friend of mine who still plays says the bug spawns are ridiculous now. And on the bot side a bot dropped 43 Bots he said.

  20. AH’s excuses are just that—excuses. They have endless lip service about how complex the systems are to make patches but consistently they weaken the player base and strengthen the enemies. Reliability is the real enemy in AH’s mind. If you’re weak you’re playing right—that’s how Shams and the whole rotten ship thinks.

  21. Fck this game . Im tired from their excuses and re-thinking. I bet after 60 day nothing change. Will be more bugs crashes and useless weapons

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