1. What? A film that narrates European historical events, with an attempt to stage accurate costumes, settings and facts…without gender/race swap…and well acted?? I'm deeply touched XD…I'll watch it…

  2. I super admire Katherine Parr and am obsessed with Alicia Vikander so this movie is riiiiiight up my alley can't wait 😁

  3. What an injustice to history this movie was. Young fools that will watch this garbage will actually believe this is what happened as they are so easily brainwashed and cant do research on their own. I thought it was a good movie until the final act which completely raped history. How you can sign on and act in such garbage is beyond me. I would rather do Sharknado 12 then sink to this level. To bad, because the acting was great…specially by Jude Law.

  4. this female lead are everywhere and annoying , that why tiktok has gained popularity so much

  5. OH DEAR GOD YES!! The costumes look SPOT ON! The story itself is looking pretty overblown but FINALLY!!

  6. It's 2024, so we now have to pretend we believe Henry the VII's wife was the one actually in charge. 😄

  7. Just finished watching this…Could've been a good movie but they ruined it with woke, feminist revisionist history Just like everything else. What a silly ending🙄glad I pirated it, I don't waste money on BS👍

  8. every painting of Henry the 8th he had flaming red hair, In which his daughter Elizabeth inherited, so why do they not do it in the movies ?

  9. Another piece of history cherrypicked to show men as horrible and women and stoic victims.

  10. I swear, there better be black people in this and a gay reference or gay story somewhere.. also the women better be strong..

  11. I worked on this film for 9 weeks and I have to say I couldn't get enough of watching Jude play Henry VIII. He learned to play the Virginal for a scene we shot. After his last day of filming he ordered a Pizza and Craft beer truck for the crew…and when he came out of his trailer in the Hadden Hall parking lot where everyone was gathered…he was clean shaven head to chin…and remember saying to myself of there's Jude…because the entire time he was Henry…I had worked with Jude twice before and he was always one way or the other still Jude…but this time he was transformed for 8 weeks…I almost couldn't make eye contact with him, even though he still had a laugh with us from time to time to break the tension.

  12. What happened to Alicia? Seems she may have had plastic surgery. I thought it was a different actress til I saw the name. She was beautiful. Still is but unrecognizable. Shame these women feel they must do these things to stay active

  13. After countless Anne Boleyn-starring stories, it’s about time the one who survived finally got her own film!

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