1. … they haved changed their mind yet. Sony lied about it, PSN is still comming

  2. Correct me if this is no longer the case but yes they removed the pin requirement but didn't release the country restriction, which was the problem from the start

  3. Y'all be overlooking that there are still 180 countries region locked

  4. Sony still delisted it from 100+ countries(where psn is unavailable) be wary they are waiting for people to get complacent to just do it again.

  5. Of course IGN is telling divers that they won and can stop fighting. The fight isn’t over divers. The Automatons in control of Sony tricked you all. Reverse your reviews back to negative until all citizens of super earth are allowed to dive together. Don’t stop fighting divers! Never stop fighting to bring democracy to all!

  6. we didn't win the war just the battle. the new fight is for all the countries that can no longer play the game.

  7. We shouldn't reverse the negative reviews yet because Sony are still being a bunch of jackasses but like you know eventually

  8. The game is actually still unlisted on steam in all the regions that would’ve been affected by the psn change. Reverting the change but not relisting the game is less than a hollow victory

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