The Heartbreaking State Of Gaming

Another week in gaming, another week of layoffs and perplexing decisions made by higher ups that trash the many people who make this such a great place to be.

Retro Rebound:
Retro Rewind:

#Bungie #Destiny #GameInformer


  1. Gaming is like healthcare now. The real experts are over worked and under appreciated while numbnut buisness administrators take over more and more.

  2. It's upto Sony to put money in, not someine who got money from the purchase

  3. Private equity firms are killing Americans in general. They buy up all the studios to keep shareholders greedy and buy up all the real estate and flip them for rent.

  4. The problem with focusing on destiny 2 is their new player experience is so garbage that no new players will even bother.

  5. It’s unfortunate but not surprising that game informer shut down cause if you look back at older articles it looks like it was headed in shutdown direction. The unfortunate part is that it was last minute no 2 week notice type thing. Course their are other gaming news place like gamersrant things like that so not to worried in game news regard. Plus outside of a few Reddit posts with game informer references or YouTube vids with references. I never read it anyways

  6. I have no clue about Bungee (except Destiny 2) but the headline of the article makes me smack my head. What have they even been doing? Looking for the best cash grabs? Because all of this sounds to me like they don't really care about making good games or having creative intent…

  7. AAA gaming*
    lol it’s the best time period for those willing to make their own games. People are far more open to smaller projects than any time in history.
    This can be said for almost all industries too. People would rather support each other than big companies.

  8. You do do research right.? Why does so many keep saying game informer is. A big deal like it happened over night. I worked at GameStop u til I quit recently, they had a memo every week for the past 14 months about game informer closing. We all knew this ? These people were given 14 months notice? This is not newsworthy.

  9. The corporatization of the gaming industry. Corporations ruin shit. I've worked for them all my life and I can tell you they inhibit progress, imagination, and human rights.

  10. Late stage capitalism, corporate greed and wealthy oligarchs actively ruining the world for everyone else to scrape a few more bucks out of people.

  11. I loved game informer. I collected the mags. When I couldn't choose to get the physical versions at GameStop but had to pay the same for subscription, I was disheartened. To me, the magazine was over half the value. Another part of better days gone.

  12. Do people think this is the peak for gaming or it will go to virtual, augment reality gaming?

  13. FF7 Rebirth is one of the best games you’ll ever play. Wu Kong looks cool too.

  14. When you review bomb and dislike a game for political or racist beliefs. This is what happens. The consumer is to blame nincompoops

  15. Where have you been ?? This has been the state of gaming for almost 10 years now. I’ve been saying it but nobody has ever listened. These things just cost too much to make and getting that money back is more important than making a good game

  16. Bungie was evil. Bungie used predatory practices to boost their profits and karma became an issue. Other games have grown their content without having to shelve past content. I would rather support those.

  17. It's not just the gaming industry, it's everything. We are at the beginning of another 2008 financial collapse, or worse.

  18. The Games industry is not unique. It over-hired, and now there is a correction. Also, money isn't as free as it used to be with rising interest rates. There are also other macroeconomic forces at work (possible recession looming). Lastly, most of these companies are in extremely tax heavy and cost heavy places (i.e. California).

    Consumers face many of these same economic realities, possibly reducing spending on things like Gaming. Also, increased political messaging in games and developers not making what consumers wants.

    This correction is NEEDED. It's the only way the industry will survive in the long term.

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