MÖRK BORG Heresy Supreme Announcement Trailer

MÖRK BORG Heresy Supreme is the new game by Morbidware in collaboration with Stockholm Kartell.

Take control of the vilest scum ever to crawl upon the earth, and wander the dying lands of the original game through a graphic style inspired MÖRK BORG.
Evade deadly flails aimed to crack your skull open in a combat system both dynamic and unforgiving that’ll require a strategic, ruthless approach.
Face horrific quests testing your skills to the brink of the Apocalypse.


Kickstarter Page

Wishlist on Steam

Official website

Music by Lili Refrain

Sound Design & Mix by Valerio Baiocchi

MÖRK BORG Heresy Supreme is a game by Morbidware
©2024 Morbidware s.r.l. All rights reserved


  1. Josilfa said rage and struggle in the face of the inevitable and merciful end of a dying world, so now we gotta. It’s just that simple.

  2. Gotdang that guitar riff. So looking forward to the OST for this, to use in my tabletop games…

  3. Is there any way you can say what song by Lili Refrain this was taken from, or is it original for this game?

  4. As an enjoyer of Vile Scum and Dungeon Master, the gore and crawl in video game format will be epic, wicked, and deeply funny. It's gonna be epic (assumedly)!

  5. Incredible stuff! Cool art style, great atmosphere, Stockholm Kartell directly involved, the hype is over 9000!

  6. Just got into the TTRPG recently and am loving every bit of it. I'm excited to see how this venture goes!

  7. I'm a massive fan of the TTRPG and I love that Morbidware have embraced the wild colours and art style from the book. SEE YOU IN THE SHIMMERING FIELDS!

  8. I hope this game is as unforgiving as the ttrpg is. I want to fucken die at least 777 times before beating the game.

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